The white gunman who killed three Black people at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville, Florida, over the weekend wore a Rhodesian army patch on his tactical vest, law enforcement sources say, a reference that has been used before during white supremacist attacks.

The patch — representing Rhodesia, a former white minority-ruled territory in southern Africa in the 1960s and ’70s that would become Zimbabwe — is yet another symbol of how the shooter, Ryan Palmeter, was racist and was influenced by racist ideology, investigators say.

  • Spendrill
    1 year ago

    Sure there are ways to do it without massive bloodshed and I would hope that’s the way that everyone decides to do it in the coming years as large populations from the global south are forced to migrate to the new temperate zones.

    But the white wing in the US are in their endgame now. They were able to nobble democracy in their favour in the most grotesque ways while they were a majority and very soon they are not going to be and so, in a farcical echo of the 1860s, it seems their plan is to secede by making states with a higher degree of common sense kick them out of the federation by making ever more deranged legislation.