At least they have far fewer guns than america for committing atrocities
Australian nazis like Tom Sewell are the gym-going variety, so I have a hard time believing that they are planning a terrorist attack. What are they going to do? Punch some guy in the head during a street fight?
The writers of these articles don’t understand hypocrisy. More muslims have been killed by our own soldiers than by people like Brenton Tarrant. I’m seriously concerned that we have forgotten what happened after 9/11.
a nazi is a nazi
It’s all about perception? When the killings happen in your own backyard, it’s meaningful. If it happens in a foreign country, not so much.
What does going to the gym have to do with believing a hateful ideology that has a history of escalating to mass murder? I would be surprised if the Christchurch terrorist wasn’t also a gym-goer, yet he still ruthlessly murdered 50+ innocent people in cold blood.
It’s possible to be critical of needless military murder and also critical of white-supremacist murder - one does not justify the other. I’d prefer it if people stopped murdering Muslims - or anyone - in general.