Should we be a instance that bans nothing snd leaves it up to ppl and communities to to block ppl they dont want to interact with leaving admins only to ban law breaking content, serial spammers and obvious advertisers? Lets open up conversation on this subject and dead the issue once and for all

  • squashkin@exploding-heads.comM
    1 year ago

    I would kind of like this

    I respect not going fully in this direction if it seems necessarily prudent to keep the site going smoothly tho

    I am ok with some forum approach if advertised as such of banning or “censoring” people who promote violent content like in favor of abortion or Communist genocide / starvation

    1 year ago

    As I said in another thread, It’s easy to differentiate between differences of opinions and personal insults and attacks. I have no problem nixing the personal attacks but perhaps the user block feature is sufficient for that. I don’t think I have sufficient experience on the platform to determine whether personal blocking is a sufficient solution. Not knowing any better, I made some posts from an account on a left leaning instance which apparently betrayed that I was not down with the Marxist, agenda and someone attempted to dox me, asking users to send me harassing emails and phone calls. From that experience, I learned to maintain a higher degree of anonymity on this platform.