Just tried to send a friend a story about Parkinson’s from lemmy.world and every single time TMobile strips the link from my SMS. They let tumblr.com though.

I just looked up if they’re actively censoring other sites and, yes. They are. They claim they’re only doing this to obscure domains (.xyz and so on) but I just watched a YouTuber demonstrate .com censorship too. So it seems it’s less arbitrary than they claim.



The conservatives are crying about it like it’s just them getting censored but it seems it’s beyond party lines if I can’t share an article about Parkinson’s research.

  • TacoButtPlug@sh.itjust.worksOP
    10 months ago

    I’m not? All I can find are conservatives crying victim about it online, though. It’s not just right wing censorship.

    edit: To clarify - the only sourcing for proof are conservatives claiming it’s only them being targeted. One person said they were going to switch to something called Patriot Mobile as if the reason a mega communication corporation censoring them was due to their party affiliation when, in fact, it isn’t. Obviously censorship of someone on a major carrier due to party affiliation is trash but it’s wrongheaded to think it’s just one group being abused when it’s clearly a policy TMobile can apply in any way they deem ok.