I like to know how the rest of y’all are living. Get an idea of the hexbear residents. Be honest. If ya livin nice that’s no bad thing.

For me, I lived well in my hometown, but I’ve been living alone for… 4 years now. That went fast.

In those 4 years I’ve lived in an old council block where there was always piss and occasionally a shite in the elevator. I’ve lived just down the road from that council block in another area people grimace at when I tell them where I live. I think it’s actually alright, although this year I did get burgled by a crack addict. Luckily they stole a bag of ‘decoy’ laptops (broken ones I accumulate and then scrap for spare parts) and left my working one alone.

I’m moving out of there now, and into the worst place I’ll have lived yet. A gang and gun crime hub. Even people who lived there tell me the best thing about living there is the feeling you get when you move out. Again though, although it might be a bit grotty, as with most ‘bad’ places if you keep your nose clean and aren’t a numpty at night you’ll come out of it fine, I think. Time will tell.

How about y’all?

  • DickFuckarelli [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    As far as living nice, I’ve said this before: yeah, we do alright in the rat race. After years of floundering, I landed a super secure job (which I hate), my wife had a good job as well (but she was canned - and of course she hates being out of work), I have a house, no real debt, a couple of old cars that get me weird looks because I have no desire to buy a status symbol. Typical suburban life with atypical people.

    Some years ago I had to move clear across the country to get “here”. I was an ultra lib at the time so I was full of hope and to be honest, I did it. Y’know, the thing: clawed my way up despite basically being street trash. Anyhow, the stark reality started to set in 10 or so years ago, right as my politics started to change: every step up was two steps back.

    I’ll explain. Making it fucking sucks. I have no friends. I’m now forced to hang out with either PMCs or go clear across town to be with average people who I naturally now have nothing in common with. My politics also preemptively make me a pariah to anyone who gets to know me.

    Basically, the atomization is real. And is now complete. The only people who care about me are my wife and kid. All my hobbies are basically exercises in keeping my brain occupied from being lonely. It sucks.

  • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    i hate everything about it. too hot, the people too mean, segregated as hell, theres like no good vietnamese food, no good public colleges with grad programs I like, conservative hellhole, tourist trap, thats gonna sink.

  • DayOfDoom [any, any]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    Warning other users to not dox themselves if they don’t wish to.

    I hate the area I’m in. Conservative, rural hell. Not even actually empty and nature-filled rural, but non-crop farms (mostly cattle and horses from what I’ve seen) and then a lot of swamps and marshes and the occasional attempt at little suburb-type developments. I’ve been biking and going around a lot of the backroads around here lately and seeing so many big, moderately expensive houses hiding out here. Had no idea so many rich people were out here in their petit-mansions (not any McMansions, yet). Fucking impossible making new friends or meeting women unless you’re active in town. I miss living in the city a lot.

  • Rom [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    Plus: lots of woods everywhere, lots of trees, I absolutely adore all the green.

    Minus: car centric hellscape, no sidewalks, no public transport, nothing even remotely within walking distance. I have to drive to get literally anywhere.

    If there were somewhere that had sidewalks, stuff within walking distance, some public transport, the same amount of green, and was actually affordable, I’d be in heaven.

  • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    Live in the middle of nowhere in South Africa. In general I have a love - hate relationship with the country. It’s a beautiful country with great weather and great people if you go looking for them, but inequality is the worst in the world, people are struggling, crime is really bad, the government is very corrupt and there aren’t many jobs available with unemployment being super high.

    As for the specific area, I live in next to a field and main road. The field burns itself at least once a year, and the road is a narrow piece of crap that is crumbling. But otherwise it’s pretty nice. Can’t complain, have everything I need. Just wish I lived closer to my irl friends.

  • dudes_eating_beans [any]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    The area I live in is somewhat a typical college town minus the culture that comes with living in a mid size college town. Most people here are either transplants from smaller cities that think this is a big city, transplants from bigger cities that rave about the cost of living, thereby driving up the cost for the rest of us, or people that were born here and are stuck here because if you’re not in the military or a techbro government contractor, there are no opportunities.

    I wish I could say the place was pretty, as some sort of saving grace, but most of the natural areas have been bulldozed to make way for “luxury” apartments starting at the “wow incredible cost of living” price of $1900 for 500sqft. All I can think of when I see rent prices nowadays is just not knowing that me working at a grocery store making $9hr and paying $325 for a 1br apt back in 2012 was as good as it was gonna get.

    I don’t like where I live and have always felt like an outcast here. Made a few friends but all of them have since moved. I am kinda stuck here for the time being since I exhausted all of my employment options and finally gave in and became a techbro. Took some 6 months certification that didn’t prepare me in the slightest for anything I would end up doing, bullshitted my way into an interview, bullshitted my way through the interview, and pretended like I knew what I was doing. Here I am with a decent remote job with generic techbro coworkers that see me as an oddity because my employment background is mainly blue color physical labor/service industry, and yeah… Idk, it’s fine I guess. It isn’t exciting and I basically have to use chatgpt to explain to me how to do my job, but I guess I’ll get there. No real passion for this but it pays the bills, takes care of my partner and I. This city is a black hole though and I respect and envy those that are able to escape it

  • dualmindblade [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    Not great. Terrible public transportation, not walkable, barely bikeable, housing is expensive, restaurants are expensive and mostly bad. We do have some nice parks and trails. The vibe is off, even mixture of rich libs and conservatives who make no secret of hating the homeless and rich libs who pretend not to hate the homeless. We also have libertarians. The vehicles are too damned tall. Oh it’s hot