Welcome one and all to another corner of the internet devoted to fanfiction, /m/fanfiction!

Whether you are a reader, a writer, or both, you are welcome here. This is a place to talk about what you are reading, working on, the fandoms you like, and the craft of writing.

The rules:

  1. Be nice. Disagreements are fine, being mean is not. The usual Golden Rule.
  2. Only link to your own work if someone asks you directly or, in a post requesting for certain types of work, the OP specifies self-promo is okay.
  3. You can complain about things you don’t like to find in your work and others, but no posting links to direct people toward something you don’t like. We are not a mob.
  4. As this is fanfiction, don’t bring up getting paid for the hobby.
  5. Posts to share passages or a review exchange are great! Specify these in the title of the thread, as well as whether concrit is or is not allowed.
  6. Make sure to check the NSFW box for any adult topics. They are allowed here, but this magazine is for all ages!
  7. When discussing specific fandom terms, try to be as inclusive as possible! This includes explaining or linking to an explanation of tropes some people might not be as familiar with the name of, or writing out the full name of your fandom before you use any abbreviations.

I’ll admit I don’t know what I’m doing yet, but I’ll try my best. Please introduce yourself here however you best see fit!

  • NumericBiconditional@kbin.social
    11 months ago

    hello! tried to post some stuff here from lemm.ee a week or so ago, but there were issues with federation. i’ll try to hang around and participate in whatever interesting stuff i see.

    i’m a reader, and lately i’ve mainly been looking at the pokemon mystery dungeon and kirby fandoms (mostly on ao3). though i do have various concepts floating around in my head that i might (but probably won’t, at least for the foreseeable future) put down on paper.

    • a_mac_and_con@kbin.socialOP
      11 months ago

      Welcome! Glad to have you aboard! Some of the federation stuff is still beyond me, but I’m glad you’ve made it.

      I know there is someone else around here who is into the Mystery Dungeon games, so hopefully you will get some good recs. And on the day if/when you decide to start your foray into writing, we’ll be here to support that too!

      • NumericBiconditional@kbin.social
        11 months ago

        thanks! i’m currently going around doing the repost-comments-that-weren’t-federated-properly thing. more instance juggling for me! did it for !kirby once, doing it again! hopefully won’t have to do it too often in the future!

        and hopefully i’ll be able to give some good recs for the two fandoms i mentioned! i already see some recs below – i’ll be checking them out later.

        • a_mac_and_con@kbin.socialOP
          11 months ago

          The more we work with it, hopefully the more both federation makes more sense to us and federation works properly. Kbin is really new, so I excuse some issues that I’m sure will be polished as time goes on.

          Excellent! Recs are always good. I need to read more Pokémon when I have the time…

          • NumericBiconditional@kbin.social
            11 months ago

            ah, time, the one thing there absolutely isn’t enough of when it comes to reading fanfiction. at least in my experience.

            there’s a reason i’m willing to put in the work with this reposting business (which i just got finished doing)! growing pains are a “fun” thing, but they’re nothing compared to all the good experiences i’ve had so far with the fediverse.

            edit, attempt 2 after kbin did a thing: might as well share some recommendations now! one for each fandom:

            kirby: Of Starry Eyes and Geminis (complete, 10 chapters, 76 002 words) takes a deeper look at two chimchilas and how they cope with stuff in the aftermath of kirby and the forgotten land. the only (k or t)-rated fic on ao3 that has kirby/eflilin as a ship – it actually works quite well! has some very interesting character development.

            pmd: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Reflecting Balance (serebii, ff.net, ao3 – thanks, tvtropes page!) is a lighthearted adventure featuring a rather colourful cast of characters and a rather unique twist that i won’t be spoiling here. doesn’t seem to update very quickly (i’ve only seen one update ever since i found the fic a few months ago), but i’m certainly excited to see more! 63 chapters (though i’ve only read the first 60, waiting for more updates before i start reading the rest) and 301 470 words so far, along with some bonus content.

            • Venia Silente
              11 months ago

              Seconding the recommendation for Reflecting Balance. And thanks for the reminder to catch up to the story!

    • NumericBiconditional
      11 months ago

      testing from lemm.ee: post visible on kbin?

      edit: wonderful! i’ll probably be using this account for stuff, then. lemmy repost a few of my comments that didn’t make it across my first time around…

  • LeGaosaure@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    8 months ago

    Hello, Gao here =) I’ve been writing fanfic for around 10 years now and I’m an avid reader. I’ve never really been an active participant in fandom circles, though, and something focused on fanfic writing and not a specific fandom? A total first. But with the Great Internet Chaos Of 2023 I find myself in lots of new spaces where fannish corners are not necessarily well established and I want to try and do my part in helping these bloom, so here I am! For technical federation reasons none of the current threads here are visible from my instance so don’t expect me to react to anything posted before now, but I’ll do my best to participate in anything coming in the future =) Wishing everyone a good whatever-time-of-the-day-it-is-for-you!

    • a_mac_and_con@kbin.socialOP
      8 months ago

      Welcome! Glad to see you around. I know I’ve been busy and this place is generally quiet when I’m not pumping out posts, but I hope you will enjoy this small corner of the internet!

      • LeGaosaure@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        8 months ago

        *looks at the two communities they’re the only poster for* Yeah I feel you. But we’re all in this together, it’ll work out in the end =)

  • borzoiteeth@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Thank you for creating this space!

    I’m mainly a fan comic creator. In all sorts of fandoms but will confess I’m largely trapped in the Pokémon spinoff Mystery Dungeon one. Used to thrive on r/fanfiction but I don’t think anyone here needs further explanation on that.

        • avividtale@kbin.social
          1 year ago


          Oh! I hadn’t heard of ComicFury before. Thanks for sharing a link!

          I’d been reading a lot on Webtoon, but it’s gotten mixed reviews from some of the artists I follow.

          • borzoiteeth@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            Webtoon chooses favourites on who gets to break the rules and who doesn’t. They clearly only care about getting money quick and as far as I have known have been like that a loooooong time. That said, because of how big they are I don’t blame fellow artists for trying to work things out on it.

            ComicFury does no advertising so it’s all word of mouth!

            • avividtale@kbin.social
              1 year ago

              That sounds incredibly frustrating. And yeah, at the end of the day I don’t blame anyone for working with what they have available, doubly so if they’re making it their career. (Not that it changes anything if they’re not.) Webtoon has some great series running on its platform, but I’m always up for expanding my options!

              As for CF, I need to click around it more. It looks interesting!

              • borzoiteeth@kbin.social
                1 year ago

                Yep. There are some great artists on Webtoons. Hope they can build up enough so they can get away from the site later.

                If you wish for any recommendations on CF (original or fandom (warning fandom-wise its 99% Pokémon)), I can give a few!

  • lexr86@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Hi. I’m new here (obvs 😄). I got into writing fanfiction last year after spending decades daydreaming, & I’m really enjoying it. I was on Reddit for a bit but that place seems to be going downhill fast (the site, not the subreddit) so now I’m branching out!

  • NumericBiconditional
    1 year ago

    hello from lemm.ee! kirby@lemmy.world is still having some problems on my end, so for now i’m going between kbin and here checking out this community

    i’ll try to import interesting posts and comment threads from before i subscribed back into my instance, but i probably won’t get everything. just finished getting all of the comments from this post as far as i can tell!