Hi all! Curious if others have had this issue. I’ve experienced random emergency braking twice now when in reverse. The first time it happened like 3 times in a row when backing out of a spot in a parking lot that was wet from rain, so I assumed puddle reflections threw off the sensors or something.

Today it happened once but it was sunny and dry out. My Ioniq 5 was washed recently too so it’s super unlikely there was anything causing sensor issues, at least due to dirt/debris/etc.

Anyone else had this issue? Wondering if this is a common enough problem to warrant investigation.

  • quasimoto@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’ve had this happen a few times and it’s been pretty scary since you have no idea what it tried to stop for. It seems like it can get confused by shadows or things like puddles of water from the rain.

    You can disable the emergency brake override in the settings for reverse only which I did.

  • rDrDr@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I had this happen a couple weeks ago while trying to back into a charger. It wasn’t raining or anything like that. The car would just stop. It happened 2-3 times before I turned the car off and then on again.

    I also once had it happen to me while parallel parking on an uneven road. I think the car thought that it was going to crash into the top of the sidewalk.