Hello, currently in bronze and play support quite a lot but I find it hard to properly judge when to gank.

ADCs will often flame you for ganking as well so it’s hard to judge if in doing a bad call or if the adc is just an idiot.

Currently, I play Nautilus, Leona, Blitz and some Bard and usually try to gank when botlane is gone or mid is pushed up a lot.

  • kbums@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Generally speaking, you want to roam when the wave is pushing towards you. Having the wave push towards you means that your ADC will lose few to no creep while you roam.

    One common roam timer is after you and your ADC crash the wave into the enemy bot turret and recall, you can walk mid to look for a gank or countergank. If there is no opportunity, just walk from midlane back to bot, since the enemy could stack waves via slow push and dive your ADC if you stay away too long.

    Do not roam when the wave is slow pushing towards the enemy tower, that’s when your ADC can get zoned off all farm and xp.

    • Cossacks
      1 year ago

      This is correct, the game is much different then it was two years ago when the support literally left bot lane to the wayside. Roaming as a support can be punished harder if my opinion.