Somehow this is the only country on earth where this seems to happen. When talking about shootings involving guns, okay, fine, the US is certainly an outlier there, but every country has cars and police.

This is murder.

  • Nelots
    1 year ago

    Nobody called her a bitch, first off.

    No, maybe not, but I’m not sure “she fucked around and found out” is any better of a way to refer to a woman that was just murdered.

    Second off, I agree that it’s stupid that as a citizen, we’re expected to keep calm and act rationally in these kinds of situations.

    So then why was the woman at fault for getting scared and trying to flee? “She fucked around and found out”, huh?

    If she ISN’T, we should be discussing how to keep people calmer during these types of police interactions.

    No, regardless of if she were guilty of the extremely heinous and dangerous crime of shoplifting (the horror!), what we SHOULD be discussing is why the cop felt the need to draw his gun and point it at the woman for such a small crime (of which he had zero evidence I might add) that could have been handled a million other ways. Drawing a gun on somebody is a direct threat on their life. You may as well yell “obey or die”. Under no circumstances should a gun be used so freely. She had every single right to be scared out of her mind and try to escape at that moment.

    Even if we go with your opinion of her being a threat to the public, the officers are directly responsible for that and never should have let it get to that point in the first place over a god-damned shoplifting accusation. I mean fucking hell, the victim does not actually start driving forward until the cop is pointing his gun at her and screaming at her to get out of the car. Stop blaming her for the extremely excessive threat (and execution) of a police officer.