I have always liked open world games as a concept, but I’ll have a very bad sense of direction. So when er I play open world games I keep getting lost and frustrated. Eventually getting bored and dropping the game. I am curious how other people with bad sense of directioncope with this problem.

  • CoderKat
    1 year ago

    Yes, but having some form of mini map helps a ton. Or at least a compass or placeable map markers. When games don’t have a map, I can easily get turned around over and over.

  • FiniteLooper
    1 year ago

    Yes, but I feel that’s different because it’s not always 1st person, and you have tools like a minimal, compass, and markers telling you where you might need to go next.

    Opposed to me driving a car in an unfamiliar city, being forced to take a road due to traffic or something, now I need to rely on my GPS to get me back to where I want to be. I guess I have a compass in my car but that doesn’t really help me in the real world because I don’t think about things in terms of “heading west” or whatever. The highway directions might not exactly match up with the final place I eventually want to be at. You might have to drive south a while just so you can get to the part where it goes east. Video games don’t usually design levels like this, which also helps.