I really don’t give a fuck where you’re at in the book, tell us your thoughts so far. And I better not seeing any of you shitlibs saying “Wahhh someone already said this buttttt”, I don’t give a single fuck. I want to hear them regardless of whether or not someone has already said something similar. Put your thoughts out there and I won’t ask again. Do some self-crit amongst each other.

  • Are you beginning to understand how trans issues are inexplicably tied to cis people as well as trans people?
  • What can be done materially on this site to further the trans struggle?
  • What have you learned from Trans Liberation?
  • What was shocking for you to read about?
  • What misconceptions regarding trans struggles did you have that were clarified through the reading?
  • Is there anything you didn’t understand that you have questions about?
  • Do you have a better understanding of what ‘trans rights’ entails instead of meaninglessly shouting it into the void?
  • Have you learned anything about yourself through reading this book involving your own gender?
  • Are there things that brought out intense emotion?
  • Literally anything else you want to say. God, please, just fucking discuss.

For any of you confused about language used throughout the book, I highly encourage you to read this brief wall of text that I wrote breaking things down.

If you found the parts about Leslie’s interactions with doctors to be horrifying, please read this comment from yours truly about my experience with needing to find a new doctor a couple weeks ago and the challenges I faced with that. I got very lucky and that experience is no where N E A R as bad as M O S T of us have had it, but it’s an experience I feel comfortable sharing.

Here is a comment from Quartz talking about her own lived experiences with transphobia. Read it and let the emotional confusion that this is the life a lot of us are forced to live flow through you.

  • quartz242 [she/her]@hexbear.netM
    4 years ago

    I was encouraged to share some of my experiences of transphobia.

    I was in a car accident and in the ambulance ride the EMT asked if I was trying to kill my self as he heard that slur are often suicidal.

    Later at the hospital the cop said the EMT told him I was and again asked me the same question.

    The doctor examining my broken collarbone said if I wasnt messing with god’s design I wouldnt have been injured so badly.

    Since starting HRT 7 years ago. Every. Single. Doctor. I have had to bring HRT resources and educate them on proper dosing and delivery.

    I had an interview that went so well and at the final interview she said I had the position, I foolishly disclosed I am trans and the next day got an email from her stating they had a last minute application and were giving her the position.

    At a later job I one person accuse me of being a sexual predator for the only reason of me being trans, at the same job a co worker would misgender me every day in front of everyone, including clients who didnt know and didnt need to know.

    Same job another co worker told me I should do sex work as the doctor who made me look so good was talented and i must be in debt from so much work done to me. Same guy got fired after he asked if he could pay me to see my body.

    Another job implemented a gendered dress code and I was forced to comply or be terminated as I hadn’t legally transitioned.

    The process for legally transitioning is incredibly difficult in some states. The state I lived in during this required $700, 2 character witness and a retained lawyer to come to the hearing, on top of requiring surgery.

    I was in a bar one time before transitioning, bartender was hitting on me, carded me, then gave me a look of utter disgust before pouring me a 80% head beer.

    They try to make life unbearable for us.

    Thank you for the kind words.

    I had to go earlier and didnt share another experience.

    After getting clocked and pointed out as a trans person while getting fast food in person I was followed for 4 blocks by two large trucks with white men shouting at me from windows at stop lights. I had to lose them in the neighborhoods before going home.

    I am also a privileged person. Trans women of color experience much more than I have.

    And I want to end with a quote that helped me alot in trying times:

    “When I look into them [trans women’s eyes] , I see both endless strength and inconsolable sadness. I see someone who has overcome humiliation and abuses that would flatten the average person. I see a woman who was made to feel shame for her desires and yet had the courage to pursue them anyway.” -Serano