In the interests of making this community home for those of us who are reddit refugees, let’s go ahead and introduce ourselves.

Some suggested things to comment on/include in your introduction:

  • Tidyverse, base, or data.table?
  • Are you primarily a user, a developer, or in between?
  • How long have you been using R?
  • What other languages do you use?
  • What do you use R for? Statistics? generative art? data wrangling?
  • Are you using R primarily for work, fun, hobbies, or something else?
  • Are you a hex sticker collector? Why or why not?
  • Where are you on the data engineering <----> pure statistics continuum?
  • What’s your favorite obscure package?
    1 year ago

    I’ve been reading books about GLM and Bayesian Statistics and am using the “glm” function and “brms” and “rstanarm” packages. They’re pretty fun. If any of you are interested in using those packages know that rstan is a bit weird which is why I’m using R 4.0.2 and rtools42 and not the current versions.