The row centres around the exhibition ‘This is Colonialism’ and the museum’s decision to restrict white people from entering a small section of the display

Police officers are gathered in front of the Zeche Zollern museum in Dortmund, the focus of what social networks are describing as a racism scandal.

The row centres around the exhibition ‘This is Colonialism’ and the museum’s decision to restrict white people from entering a small section of the display. For several months now, Saturdays at the museum have been reserved for black people and people of colour to explore a colonialism exhibition

The museum claims the objective is not to be discriminatory, but to reserve a safe space for reflection for non-whites.

    10 months ago

    If you buckle and open up the space, who moves in? Why, the racists of course! The space is no longer safe and people are intimidated out of it. The racists don’t want them seeing it, so now they don’t get to see it.

    Have you been to a museum in Germany, like … ever? German museums are as quiet and calm as it gets and they usually have security service too. Worst thing that can typically happen is you run into a class of school children on an excursion who make some noise …

        10 months ago

        Usually zero percent of people who visit an exhibition about colonial times in a german museum are neo-nazis. Have you ever been to Germany? You sure sound like you haven’t …

        The museum creates a space for people of color to view the displays without having to worry about angry racists threatening them with violence

        Nope! That is not what happens in german museums. Germany is not USA - you are obviously projecting and you obviously have no clue what you are talking about.

        By the way, the decision for the banning of white people from the exhibition was made by a white person and was arbitrary as in not based on actual racist incidents or requests by people of color.

        • PoliticalAgitator
          10 months ago

          Well isn’t your gate-keeping fascinatingly targeted?

          If someone offers potential justification you don’t agree with, clearly they’ve never been to a German museum.

          The people repeating your own opinions? They’re probably in a German museum right now, so no need to check their credentials.

          But also, the people who run those German museums also aren’t as qualified as you are to say what the problems they may or may not face, nor what the solutions should be.

          You must have a truly remarkable story to share about how you came to know more about German museums than anyone else in the world, except for other people on social media.

            10 months ago

            Please feel invited to find and post any articles about racist incidents that actually happened inside of german museums …