No shade to any comrades here in that role. I’m just venting because 1) I hate my job and am officially “quiet quitting,” and 2) I’ve sent out over 120 job applications today and I’m fuckign tired.

  • impiri
    1 year ago

    A good PM is golden and can do so much to help a team work (like running interference for you. OK, mostly running interference for you). That also doesn’t tend to line up with making management feel like they are extracting the maximum possible value from a team, so they tend to get removed from that position

    Anyway, godspeed. May you find a job you don’t hate

    • Mardoniush [she/her]
      1 year ago

      A good PM can also make sure a team gets resources they need, that workloads are achievable, that there’s enough slack for emergencies, and pick up on bottlenecks and frustrations before they happen. Since I’m shit at organising I insist on my team having at least a de facto Project Manager as part of my continuing philosophy that the best manager works as little as possible, because if you have to manage something something has gone wrong.

      All of this assumes there’s a functioning company behind them, though.