No shade to any comrades here in that role. I’m just venting because 1) I hate my job and am officially “quiet quitting,” and 2) I’ve sent out over 120 job applications today and I’m fuckign tired.

  • Fushuan [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I would advise against sending 120 applications on a single day, I would assume at least 20 will respond, and it will be hell managing 20 processes at once. However, given that you applied to everything your profile might not even fit correctly to more than half of them, so IDK.

    I get that you did it out of frustration, and if it helped you feel better, more power to you, but if you want to do it more strategically, check each application individually and send 5ish applications a day. This is what I have done (actually, I usually send less than 3 per day) and I usually get phone calls in 3-4 days tops.

    I’m assuming that by tech you mean software development, but I’m aware that not all SD sections are the same and my advice applies mostly for my experience as a Data Engineer in Spain, so if you feel it doesn’t fit, disregard it please.