Really just posting this hoping for some solidarity.

I’ve been working on stitching up Garden Cat since last year. But actually, I’d stitched some of it previously and ended up picking out the whole thing and starting again due to what we’ll just call “poor creative choices”.

So, last week I finished the garden part and genuinely thought I was done. Got all celebrationy. Took it out of the q-snap and unrolled it to see the full glory…and realised I was just confused from having stitched the sky parts once already but I hadn’t redone them yet this time around🤦‍♀️

So that’s been my stitching this week. How about you?

  • thegiddystitcherOPM
    1 year ago

    Ooh coincidence! My first cross stitch project was also poppies, guess there’s just something about them lol.

    It’s beautiful so far, nice work. I’m always jealous of people who can do “real” embroidery but I can never get the stitches to look neat enough when I try it. Do you have a plan for fully finishing it or is it more of what we might call an experimental project? :D

    • SpicaNucifera
      1 year ago

      Thank you!! I just really love poppies, and I saw a lot of them when I went to Germany last month.

      LOL you can definitely tell with this that I was trying different things. It’s definitely an experiment, and I’m trying not to be too hard on myself where there are elements I’m not pleased with. I’m not sure what I want to do to tidy up the whitespace around the central whorl… but I do want to finish it up and add more elements!

      It’s been so much fun! I spend a lot of time in front of screens for work and play, so it’s nice to have something creative to work on that’s real. And I love all the colors! 😂

      One thing I didn’t expect is the hand pain, so I bought some compression gloves. Do you have any tips for ergonomics??

      • thegiddystitcherOPM
        1 year ago

        As a chronically online person since about 2001 I know exactly what you mean lol, it’s great to make things that are “real” and tactile although I do also make video games so it’s a nice balance between the two really!

        Honestly I do get some recurring wrist issues and as much as I hate to say it, rest is the only surefire way. Although you can totally cheat and “rest” by just switching to a different craft for a while that requires a different sort of repetitive movement, having all my different crafts on a rota has kept me going this far 😅