I would love if someone would write a parody of modern society. Something roughly like this narrative


  • energy becomes a non-issue (fusion powered cars; extra loud systems)
  • cars and highways get so big that people literally start driving their house to work
  • ads about “wait in line at the drive through from the comfort of your own home”
  • started with rich people getting drivable houses (not RV’s or motorhomes; but driveable homes that are branded in a completely different way)
  • normal daily commutes of 100miles since everything is so padded out with parking
  • instead of owning land, some people just park in “overnight” areas with random neighbors (nobody knows their neighbors)
  • speeds are being increased because of the 100 mile daily commute, but it’s causing increased accidents (nuclear) which are downplayed; people start padding their portable houses with radiation protection
  • Being too poor to afford a high speed portable home means you’re effectively barred from registering to vote or perform daily tasks


  • someone (protag) has an idea of just staying parked permanently at his job’s parking lot (he works at a grocery store)
  • His parking space is 1 mile from the front door of the grocery store so he “invents” the idea of mini-transportation
  • He convinces a handful of people to stay parked next to him and stars relying on them for small services (doctor advice, plumbing work, etc)


  • the company won’t allow any goods or services to be exchanged on their parking lot; those doctor services are illegal
  • cooperations band together to mandate no-overnight parkin (or some other better antagonistic thing, this is where my lack of writing skills is apparent)


  • (fight-club style expansion) there is a small movement of people planting their houses forming small communities on top of the massive parking lots
  • they repurpose their fusion generators
  • etc
  • jeffhykinOP
    1 year ago

    I think that’s a perfectly fine suggestion, and I was actually thinking about it.

    Sadly I don’t really have the time or skills to evolve it into an actual story worth sharing, but I did want to share the genral concept since I found it pretty funny as a concept.