Weigh currently around 250, 5’7 in height Lowest I ever got two years ago was 235

I keep yoyoing on weight my whole life I fall off the workout wagon and spiral

I’ve been working out consistently for a month swimming, hiking or running and doing weights, I feel healthier I’m much more active, and feel less winded

But I may have an undiagnosed eating disorder, i can stress eat on anxious levels, before I could drop weight easier but I’m worried my weight is catching up to me because it’s not shedding like it used too.

I’m very self conscious about my weight, and I want to be healthy in the event of anything in the future. My eating is starting to cost me and I’m starting to realize this is detrimental to my overall well-being.

Any recommendations?

I swim laps for at least 45min to hr Or run 3 miles Or hike 2-5 miles depending on time before sunset

Edit: i also added burpees recently when I don’t have time to do everything in the gym, because I do work and go to school as well.

Plus I always do some weights at the gym with a warmup full body workout.

My eating is destroying my progress. I also do not get good sleep, I’m trying to work on that.

  • mittens [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    The best you can do to deal with stress eating is to plan for such a contingency. Make sure your fridge and pantry are stocked with complex carb snacks, and make food that is too caloric dense less available. Your lizard brain will be less likely to want to binge if food isn’t as easily accessible. Complement snacks with protein so you get satisfied faster, stuff like eating a piece of chocolate with a pint of greek yogurt and a bunch of splenda REALLY REALLY hits the spot without putting on a lot of calories, there are probably a bunch of low-cal high-protein recipes online which you can try for emergency cravings. I have to disagree a little bit with calorie counting, only do this if you’re really unsure as to where the extra calories are coming from and until you get a feel for caloric contents on food, but in my case it just made my ED worse in the long run, so I’d be cautious if you think you have an ED already. And yeah sleep well, not sleeping well makes you waaay hungrier, but you already know this. The most important thing is to not beat yourself up if you end up binging, it happens. There’s really no hurry and you should take your time.