Ever since you were born the world is constantly changing, not just through big events but in smaller ways too.

  • Zippy@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    But what is the now? It is a sliver of time that has no thickness. It is a point in time that well… has no length of time. 0 picoseconds. Thus does it even exist? Your entire perception is of things that only occurred in the past. When you say ‘right now’, immediately the now you are referring to is already the past. And like you say, the past doesn’t exist anymore either.

    • lorez
      1 year ago

      There’s a bit of lag ofc. Like when you strike a piano key and the sound takes a while to reach your ears. We live in perpetual lag of a fraction of second with respect to the present moment, but that’s what our brain reacts to when a vase falls to the ground or when you have to catch a ball. That’s our present. I meditate and I can imprison my conscience to that, eliminating all the rest, all the thoughts, worries, remembrances. Ofc that’s not something I’m able to maintain for long periods of time but that’s what I mean when I say staying in the present moment.