Google Books allows viewing the scans in colour, but when I click the option to download the PDF, I am provided only with a black-and-white version.

Is it known how to obtain the original colour images, outside of inspectelementing each page one by one?

  • antonim@lemmy.dbzer0.comOP
    10 months ago

    Well, I may be technologically semi-literate and I may have felt a bit dizzy when I saw actual code in your comment, but I sure as hell will find a way to put it to use, no matter the cost.

    You’re terrific, man. No idea what else to say.

    • bela
      10 months ago

      lmk if you run into an issue

      This kind of stuff is like an IRL puzzle game. I thought it would be a simple five minute adventure, but of course google has made sure it isn’t! I suppose for 3 stars I would have given it to you in a pdf format, but I fear the man who could do that in javascript.