I don’t binge eat, I exercise 3 times a week, or as much as my schedule permits having a 2yold, work, partner and social commitments. I don’t drink. Still I get belly fat now that I am 35+. Wtf? Haas anyone solved this? Did you change diet? Sleep more? Exercise differently? Lower carbs? By how much? Please help me lemmee

  • AbsoluteChicagoDog
    1 year ago

    I’ve lost over 100 lbs in my 30s, it’s actually very simple it just takes dedication.

    First, accept that there is a reason you’re getting fatter. Many companies spend a lot of money trying to convince us that losing or gaining weight is a magical process and they sell the diet/pill/book/exercise/app that will fix the problem.

    We know why weight changes and it’s deadass simple:

    Calories in - calories burned = weight difference

    That’s it.

    Something as simple as eating a slightly larger bowl of cereal can put you 200 calories over a day, and there are only 3500 calories in a pound.

    So step #1 accept that weight changes are simple. And that you can change your weight simply by taking in fewer calories than you burn.

    Step #2 track everything you eat. Everything. Do it for a week and figure out how many calories you’re taking in. I can guarantee you’re eating a lot more than you realize.

    Then step #3 spend two weeks eating 100 calories a day less than you ate previously. Weigh yourself at the end of the two weeks. If you lost weight keep going, if not take off another daily 100 calories. Repeat this process until you achieve your ideal weight. That’s it.

    Exercise can help but we don’t burn nearly as many calories exercising as the marketing departments of fitness companies tell us we do. So focus on the intake side of the equation. I exercise every day and I don’t factor that in to my calorie target at all.