• i-liek-french-toast@exploding-heads.comOP
    1 year ago

    there is no space where right wingers have “civilized dicussions”

    You mean bc the left get their panties in a wad when we - even in polite, pg-13 tones - don’t go along with the left’s narratives and hivemind mentality so they block us on other platforms? Not our fault that you lot are so thin skinned.

    You guys seem to communicate via facebook tier memes at this point.

    As I was saying before: THIS IS A MEME SUB. I don’t know that I can simplify it anymore than that for you mate…

    The only possible place to have any contact with right wingers are “free-speech” meme communities

    Again, not by our design. But even then, as I mentioned earlier, there are in fact other communities on this instance. They have mostly all the same folks that are in here posting memes.

    My point was that a lot of the time, people post memes to chill and relax. And they go to discussion subs to have discussions. Is anyone telling you that you can’t exercise your free speech by making discussion comments in the meme section? No. I was just pointing out that you probably aren’t going to get great feedback here, bc a) discussion is not the focus of this sub (memes are) and b) your complaint is essentially against others exercising their free speech, on an instance and sub where that is explicitly allowed…

    They are the only communities with any numbers right now, the rest is virtually dead…

    DMT is more anything goes (read: MUCH better for discussion, tho complaining about folks using free speech still isn’t likely to get great results; my guess is most just ignore you, block you, or tell you to piss off but you’re free to try)

    “Free speech” kinda implies that memes with different opinions and views are posted. Instead, the opposite is the case, it’s virtually only one viewpoint that is presented.

    Umm…no, it does not. I think you may be confused on what free speech means. It means only that you are free to say whatever you want, unless otherwise specifically prohibited by law (e.g. yelling “fire” in a movie theater as a prank would not be protected).

    There is NO stipulation whatsoever about WHAT someone will speak on, only what they CAN speak on.

    And community rules are set by the community creators and can be more or less inclusive than those of the site as a whole. e.g. site as a whole does not allow some particular language in ALL communities but site owner has given ok on specific communities to have language that is not generally acceptable on the site. Likewise, any given community is free to decide that they want. Be that 100% free speech from all sides, only free speech that is prohibited elsewhere on the web, or whatever else.

    So if a community mod wanted to make standards that where basically like reddit but for right-wingers, then they could do so.

    obsessed with the trans community to an absurd degree…

    See what you like. Personally, I would say “extremely frustrated with” fits better than “obsessed with” but whatever you like.

    Right, the way I see it, you guys have exactly two topics, or one topic depending on how you look at it. It’s “the gays/homos/trans” and “the left”. In practice, those two are often treated as the same thing.

    Even assuming that you aren’t wrong and being overly reductive based on your own biases… Let me ask this: So what? In practice, it’s a conservative instance. Did you expect something different? A lot of us already have accounts elsewhere where we post the normal fare. This sub is for all the stuff we can’t post anywhere else.

    If you’re looking for “safe” memes, there’s a funmemes community here on this instance that is strictly for non-offensive stuff but really you can get that anywhere. If you want discussion, there’s DMT if you have thick enough skin, and several other communities if you don’t.

    But DankMemes on EH is one of the few places you can get conservative memes on the web without getting a bunch of jew-hating / black-hating propaganda. Yeah, we’re probably not much better towards trannies, tankies, and wokees than any other conservative place. And you probably won’t believe me or care about the difference but if you spend time at the other places, we’re actually pretty damn tame in comparison.

    Right, but the thing is nobody will ever believe you when you are called “ihatetroons”, write about how much you hate “troons”, post memes about how “troons” are pedos, etc.

    ok. Thing is though, I don’t really care. In fact, besides testing the waters here, my main goal with the s/n was to create something that the most disagreeable, sjw/activist cunts would probably block on sight so that I wouldn’t need to bother with them.

    I might decide to change it later if that’s still allowed. Might not. Now that I’ve been here a little while, I think they are pretty chill about s/n’s and I don’t think we have much of the folks I was worried about here. If we did, I can only think that every defed reduces that number significantly.

    Right, that’s how it works, you just go to the trans factory and say “one body mutilating transition please”…

    They can dress it up with pretty words. But if you paint a turd gold, it’s still a turd and you have nothing to show for it but shit on your hands.

    No way, tech online forums are filled with weird nerds who like strange stuff? Who would have thought…

    Wasn’t a stab at them liking weird stuff. They can like whatever the fuck the want as long as it isn’t hurting anyone. The point in bringing it up was that they were posting off-topic shit repeatedly and frequently and whenever people would speak up about it, bc it just happened to be an agenda speaking point for the left, all rational discussion about alternatives was immediately shut down and any making the suggestions either accused of bigotry etc or banned.

    If furries or trannyfags want to create a sister sub or limit themselves to a weekly thread or something then whatever. But posting it repeatedly, then having the mods sit back and not only take their side but outright silence the opposition, is subversive in the extreme.

    Being critical or questioning things doesn’t make one a hater. But again, you are literally called “ihatetroons”, so I seriously don’t understand why you want to act suprised when people actually take what you say half-way seriously…

    Funny, bc all the stuff I was talking about was from BEFORE I decided to adopt that little moniker. And in a very real way, you could say that I wouldn’t have bothered with it but for past grievances.

    Don’t you think this whole game about “I don’t really dislike trans people, well just a little bit, but I actually hate the politics” is a bit silly?

    To you maybe. I do hate the politics behind it. I think of eunuchs and feel not a shred of anger, hatred, or malicious intentions. I might think much of the idea, and I may think even less of tacking on a bonus hole.

    I get that you probably would love it if you could somehow get me to see that I’m a bigot and change my ways. And I’ll give you props for at least being much more civil and pleasant to talk to than many of your comrades… but I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.

    you are actively trying to signal to everyone that you hate trans people, so you shouldn’t be suprised when people think you actually do…

    That’s fine. Like I said, it was a very calculated and intentional move to throw off the rabid dogs trans “rights” warriors and any trans that could be called goons (troons). Was never about me bashing individuals. If it eases your conscience to chalk me up as a trans hater, go right ahead. I really don’t care even a little bit.

    But the fact remains that leftists drove me to it and that I don’t intend on changing.

    • aski3252@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago

      You mean bc the left

      Ah yes of course, another thing to blame the left for…

      so they block us on other platforms

      I think the reason why you get banned on the big platforms is because you are bad for business and because you turn every community into a call of duty lobby where a bunch of (either emotional or physical) 14 year olds scream slurs at eachother… That’s not a place where businesses want to advertise, woke advertising and pretending to care about social issues is the latest fad and you don’t fit into that, so you get the boot…

      Also, you are free to have your community here… Nobody can censor you… Of course people and other services can block/defederate you, but you could still have a conservative utopia here where you have discussions. Instead, all you do is complain about “the left”, as you always do… What happened to personal responsibility?

      I know I’m repeating myself, but you can’t call yourself “Ihatetroons”, simultaniously cry about how the left unfairly accuses you of “hating troons” and expect anyone to take anything you say seriously…


      Yeah no shit… But there are 2 subs on this server which have any content, and both of them are meme subs… Is the left stopping you from participating in non-meme subs on your own server?

      Again, not by our design.

      So the left is also responsible for how you design your spaces?

      there are in fact other communities on this instance.

      Are there? The closest to being an actual community is ask-exploding heads, and there are like 5 posts with comments in it… I mean I get it, the defederation trend doesn’t help this community grow, but if your whole position is an uncompromising and provoking attitude, I am asking myself once more what else you would expect the big instances to do.

      Even from a pragmatic point of view, what admin would voluntarily say “oh yes, I would love to have more controversial memes on my server, that’s always fun.”. In reality, all this gets you is more people complaining about stuff on your server and/or a bigger moderation effort. You have to be pretty passionate about anti-trans memes in order to federate with a server like yours, or be a small enough server that not enough people care.

      I think you may be confused on what free speech means.

      We are talking about “free-speech” in the context of an international online forum, not in the context of US law, so I do think it’s a bit interesting to think about how your “free speech” forum has a very one-sided narrative.

      Did you expect something different?

      No, to be honest, I didn’t. But it still is interesting to actually see that even if you have full control over your server, even if you get to make the rules, you are still doing the same thing as always: Blame “the left” for everything all day long without suggesting any viable solutions.

      If you want discussion, there’s DMT if you have thick enough skin

      ok. Thing is though, I don’t really care.

      Yeah, but again, I can’t really believes you… To me, you obviously seem to go out of your way to be percieved as a transphobic biggot.

      It’s like the 16 year old punk kid with a huge pink mohawk who will insist that “I don’t give a fuck what people think about my looks”, yet he will spend 2 hours a day to get his look just right…

      So I don’t know exactly what it is, maybe you crave attention, maybe it’s a sex thing, idk, but I think you definitely care, whether you realize it or not…

      my main goal with the s/n was to create something that the most disagreeable, sjw/activist cunts would probably block on sight so that I wouldn’t need to bother with them.

      If what you are saying is actually serious, your logic would be deeply flawed. If I was annoyed by star wars fans on the internet, the last thing I would want to do is call myself “star_wars_sucks” because obviously, all that would do is provoke star wars fans into attacking me… And I also can’t really figure out how posting “star wars sucks” memes would help in any way.

      The best way to not get bothered by people is by not mentioning the topic that annoys you at all and maybe block people who bring it up, but if I was posting memes online about how “star wars sucks”, I would definitely expect to be bothered by star wars fans.

      If you want discussion, there’s DMT if you have thick enough skin

      Damn, you really think of yourself as an edgy badass, don’t you? DMT is another right wing meme sub imo, nothing special.

      They can dress it up with pretty words.

      The point is that you seem to believe that people can just go to a hospital and get surgery instead of going to a therapist. Thats not how it works, you go to a therapist first.

      they were posting off-topic shit repeatedly and frequently

      Which is annoying, but the solution to that is moderation, right? Back in the forum days, you had admins who would remove your post instantly if you dared to post the wrong topic to the wrong place. But at one point, the idea that doing that would be “against free speech” became popular.

      What else do you think would solve this issue?

      Funny, bc all the stuff I was talking about was from BEFORE I decided to adopt that little moniker.

      Even if we forget the username, you make it a point that you are “extremely frustrated with” the trans community, you call them “trannyfags”, talk about them “mutilating their bodies”, even admit that you don’t like them. Did you also only start doing things like that when you adapted the name?

      I mean we are talking about the internet here, people misunderstand eachother constantly and chronically irregardless of the topic. You can recieve death threats for saying something like “Videogame x was pretty good, but y was better”… How can you act in any way suprised or offended at people on the internet calling you a biggot for anything? Didn’t you just mention “thick skin” and the importance of “free speech” and “posting offensive content”? Now you want to tell me that you were so offended at somebody calling you a biggot that essentially you became a biggot, at least as far as your online appearance goes?

      I do hate the politics behind it.

      I’m not quite sure what you mean with “the politics behind it”, but isn’t everyone sick of the culture war politics stuff?

      I know you will probably disagree, but from “the left’s” perspective, it isn’t the left that’s pushing the trans stuff. The left just wants what it always wanted, essentially the same thing you also claim to believe in: To let everyone live their lives how they want as long as they don’t restrict someone elses’ liberty. It’s right wing politicians who scapegoat social minorities in order to divide people.

      I get that you probably would love it if you could somehow get me to see that I’m a bigot and change my ways.

      I mean your views are your views, if you genuinly don’t want to hurt anyone and don’t want to restrict anyone’s freedom, I don’t care too much what you believe in.

      If I’m being honest, the thing that annoys me about right wingers the most isn’t their view, it’s how many present their views. And it’s not even you choosing the “wrong language” or whatever, it’s you seemingly going out of your way to provoke and be offensive, at the same time acting all offended when people inevitably get offended by your provocations and don’t want anything to do with you, and at the same time you then complain about the left getting offended… It’s so frustratingly confusing and makes most dialoge impossible…

      And don’t get me wrong, I see similar behavior on the left as well, you have left leaning city people who unironically believe that all rural people are backwater hillbilly incest racist biggots. But that just makes it more frustrating as both sides just focus on complaining about the “idiots” on the other side and nothing ever gets done…

      And while I will not be able to stop myself from voicing my opinions as you can see, I don’t have any expectations of you changing your views. This is mostly about my interest in the views of people who think radically different than me or perhaps about if we have any possibility of getting along or at least share our views despite having radically different views.

      But the fact remains that leftists drove me to it and that I don’t intend on changing.

      Damn, the left really does control everything, doesn’t it, even your own actions are actually the actions of the left at the end of the day…

      If it eases your conscience to chalk me up as a trans hater, go right ahead. I really don’t care even a little bit.

      Yeah again, this does make me think that it is indeed a sex thing. You get hard by people calling you a disgusting transphobic biggot, don’t you, you naughty naughty boy…

      Jokes aside, you have been a good sport, so thanks for suprising me and actually giving me somewhat of a “civil conversation”.