Translation: Military intelligence chief Kirill Budanov assures that the Russian Federation receives 122 mm and 152 mm shells, as well as Grad missiles, from North Korea.

The DPRK has been supplying the Russian Federation with weapons for a month and a half, Kirill Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, assured NV.

The head of Ukrainian military intelligence made his statement against the backdrop of the visit of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un to the Russian Far East and his meeting with Putin. According to Western media estimates, during this rendezvous, Moscow wants to negotiate with Pyongyang on the supply of ammunition to the latter in exchange for technology and oil.

    10 months ago

    Actually, does not sound like a bad thing.


    1. Lots of opportunities to interrupt the supply chain. There is a LONG distance between NK, and Ukraine. Be a shame if a train full of explosives were to blow up in the middle of nowhere, russia… disrupting the supply lines between Russia and China/NK.
    2. North korea selling/giving away ammo, doesn’t sound like a bad thing either.
    3. Most of Russia’s stuff, is defunct due to age/lack of maintenance. NK’s stuff, is far worse.