Fuck EU and it’s nazi shit.

  • TheFriendlyDickhead
    1 year ago

    How is this nazi shit? I feel like the word nazi is beeing thrown at everything people don’t like these days.

    • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      “Fuck the EU and its Nazi shit” is just something that can always be added on posts and comments about the EU regardless of the specific topic because the EU is shit and it does Nazi shit. They mass murder migrants, they call non-white countries “jungles”, and oh yeah, they arm and fund literal Nazis. Also, like NATO, it was basically founded by Nazis. Its current leader also happens to be proudly related to some very prominent Nazi aristocrats as well as American slave owners - it’s a double whammy!

      • TheFriendlyDickhead
        1 year ago

        The eu does a lot if stuff that is very questionable. But nazis systematically kill people of other ethnic groups. The eu has a system of immigration and once you made in in its boarders you have the same rights as people who are born there. Not to mention people of specific ethics, who were born there and are by law treated the same as every other citizen.

        • Muad'Dibber@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          But nazis systematically kill people of other ethnic groups.

          Need a history lesson? Europeans in general have been practicing colonialism and killing other ethnic groups systematically for hundreds of years, before the nazis came into existence. They’re still committing ethnic cleansing via the world bank and IMF in the global south too, to reduce potentially revolutionary population growth in “places we don’t want it” (Bill Gates words)

          Today I resigned from the staff of the International Monetary Fund after over twelve years, and after 1000 days of official Fund work in the field, hawking your medicine and your bag of tricks to governments and to peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean and Africa. To me resignation is a priceless liberation, for with it I have taken the first big step to that place where I may hope to wash my hands of what in my mind’s eye is the blood of millions of poor and starving peoples. Mr. Camdessus, the blood is so much, you know, it runs in rivers. It dries up too; it cakes all over me; sometimes I feel that there is not enough soap in the whole world to cleanse me from the things that I did do in your name and in the names of your predecessors, and under your official seal.

          • Davison Budhoos IMF resignation letter
        • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          once you made it in its borders

          Oh, is that why they choose to murder migrants while they’re still in boats crossing the Mediterranean? Nice little loophole they found there…

          are by law treated the same

          You sure about that? Cause i sure as hell can tell you that Roma people are not treated the same. And recently apparently Russians have become subhumans in the eyes of Europeans too, now they’ve started confiscating their personal property just like the Nazis did to the Jews. And i won’t even start with how refugees are treated, lots of EU countries won’t even let them in, and if they do they treat them like garbage, they house them in inhumane conditions and don’t even allow them to work.

          Europeans do systematically kill people of other ethnic groups, they kill people in the global south all the time with their imperialism and their neo-colonialism, and after they’ve destabilized, destroyed and looted their countries they have the audacity to do their utmost, including killing them, to try and keep them out. It is no coincidence that the main founders of the EU were former Nazis, and the idea of a united Europe under German leadership, including regions ripped away from the Soviet Union to be part of this great Reich was a Nazi idea to begin with…and would you look at that, it’s exactly what we have today.

          They’ve already recreated Reichskomissariat Ostland in the Baltics, complete with German troops on their soil and openly Nazi worshipping, Holocaust-denying governments that treat ethnic Russians like non-citizens, now they dream of adding Reichskomissariat Ukraine to the EU Reich too. All this under a president of the European Commission whose family was deeply embedded into the Nazi system and whose grandfather in law was one of the main Nazi functionaries in charge of organizing the Holocaust in the Ukrainian Galicia.

    • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      ‘Progressive liberals’ do use the term too loosely to mean people they don’t like. You should not fall into the trap of subconsciously accepting the premises of that usage.

      This is a Marxist instance. We understand what fascism/Nazism is materially. As cfgaussian notes, there’s a racist, bigoted, utterly evil megalomaniac element to it. But (and I’m not saying cfgaussian is saying this) Nazism is not just some evil ideology that some evil people organised for a few years in the twentieth century. By that liberal/Nazi-apologist definition, it’s over and done with. But it’s more than that, and it does still apply today.

      In a word, it’s the cold and calculated response of capital to protect itself against a progressive change in the mode of production. It’s what happens to liberalism when faced with socialism. It’s a way of crushing worker power to make it easier and more profitable to do capitalism. It provides a framework for dividing the working class by race, gender, sexuality, origin, religion, accent, anything else you can name. Anything to stop the workers from working together.

      Why is the EU doing Nazi shit? Not only does the EU do the evil megalomaniac cartoon villain thing, it also does the cold and calculated defense against socialism thing. In addition to cfgaussian’s points, we must understand that socialism is an international movement.

      Capitalism is zero-sum. If one wins, another loses. Socialism is logically far more co-operative. If one wins, another, somewhere else can also still win. There need not be losers, except the capitalists. Socialists anywhere work for socialists everywhere.

      By manufacturing low cost EVs, China benefits the working class in three clear ways. One, Chinese workers are part of the global proletariat and they happen to control the state, which means if ‘China’ benefits, so does the proletariat, ab initio, by definition.

      Two, this is very much a trade war not just against China but for (Anglo-)European capital. These are different things although they are interrelated – it’s a dialectic. This is the EU setting up the framework to do whatever it takes to protect the Anglo-European empire.

      Aside: this empire is the ideological child of Nazism. While the Nazi party was defeated, in part by inter-familial war, the ideology was not defeated. It’s more glaring horrors were somewhat held at bay due to the threat of the USSR and the need to maintain good PR. But otherwise the west continued almost everything that Nazis were doing. They changed the name and some of the target-victims, and became more efficient.

      Three, cheaper goods for Europe is good for European workers, directly. They mean European workers don’t have to get into so much debt for vehicles. What do you think the Anglo-European finance capitalists want more, workers borrowing €40k for a European EV or €15k for a Chinese EV?

      Hint: they don’t gaf about the sale going to a Chinese firm if they can lend the money to a consumer and get a huge cut via interest payments. But they would prefer the interest on €40k over €15k any day. Not only for the car payments but also because the less debt a worker gets into, the faster they can pay off their total debt and the sooner they can become debt free, which puts a massive spanner in the cogs in hyper-financialised economies. Which means that China’s policies work to benefit the European working class (another dialectic with point one) and to the disadvantage of the Anglo-European capitalist class.

      Not to mention the benefit to the fight against climate change by filling the market with affordable EVs. This benefits everyone, everywhere. Anglo-Europeans overshot their fair share of carbon emissions a long time ago. But they keep going. Most don’t have a choice. The sooner something can be done to minimise western emissions, the sooner the rest of the world can (a) heal and (b) develop without westerners saying ‘don’t you care about the planet?’

      Edit: To clarify the implied conclusion, this is ‘Nazi shit’ because it shows the EU gearing up to attack socialism/ists to save capitalism. The liberal mask is slipping because capitalism is under threat. When the mask slips, the Nazism is revealed.

      Note, I switched from EU to Anglo-European empire because these things are part of the same political economic ecosystem.

    • Buchenstr@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      The obvious xenophobic statement of ‘cheap’ EV cars making their way into the precious global market, a market which use to be dominated by them. I would call it reactionary nonsense but nazi shit fits well too.

    • knfrmity@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      That may be the case, but we know what Nazi means and apply it where appropriate. We could also say fascist, in order to spark less of a knee jerk counter reaction.

    • FlightSimEnjoyer@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      Instead of admitting that China can make cheaper cars, they immediatly assume that it is because of subsidies (because they can’t belive that asians who aren’t “honorary whites” like the japanese can make good stuff that is also cheaper). Combining that with their support for real, authentic nazis in Ukraine, I think it is fair to call them nazis.

      • TheFriendlyDickhead
        1 year ago

        Nobody ever said that their cars are not as good. And this is definitely not a racial thing. The EU just wants to defend their own economy.

        • COMHASH@lemmygrad.mlOP
          1 year ago

          And i thought we are in a market driven fully capitalist system where the biggest winner will be granted the monopoly. So, with your logic US forced Japan to devalue their currency is protecting anglo Nazi economy but subsidizing EV manufacturers to produce cheap cars is against the EU economy and environment. Man, if my rule establishes in Europe you all will be deported to Africa to rebuild it with 1 time food and 4 times whips.