I will soon start a new job where I expect to receive significantly more emails than I do currently. So far, I haven’t had a system in place, except for marking emails as unread until I respond and occasionally using flags.
I would like to change that practice, now that I have a clean slate. But how do I start managing my inbox?
I use Mac Mail and would like to continue using it. I know how to set up rules and create smart mailboxes etc., but I can’t really see the potential.
Thank you!
Yeah basically the rules where “if from domain A go to folder A.”
The organized folders basically served as a way to filter through stuff that I didn’t need to respond to, break things down into tasks I actually needed to respond to, and to make it easier to search through later.
So if I got an email from user@xdomain, it would go to my xdomain folder and be listed as unread and I would respond from there. Then that email chain stayed in its appropriate folder.
Makes sense. Thank you 👍🏻