There’s a very similar format in saying 29 in the Gospel of Thomas which is one of the most interesting things in all antiquity IMO:
If the flesh came into being because of spirit, that is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of the body, that is a marvel of marvels.
Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell in this poverty.
For context, this was at a time when there was a major debate in philosophy between intelligent design (Plato, theological circles) and evolution (Epicureans).
While extra-canonical, it’s pretty wild to have a quote being attributed to Jesus that’s not only entertaining but straight up calling the idea of the mind/spirit arising from naturalism as more amazing than arising from intelligent design.
Though its conclusion ends up a bit dissimilar from OP, in finding the mind, not physical embodiment, as the greatest wonder in the universe.
There’s a very similar format in saying 29 in the Gospel of Thomas which is one of the most interesting things in all antiquity IMO:
For context, this was at a time when there was a major debate in philosophy between intelligent design (Plato, theological circles) and evolution (Epicureans).
While extra-canonical, it’s pretty wild to have a quote being attributed to Jesus that’s not only entertaining but straight up calling the idea of the mind/spirit arising from naturalism as more amazing than arising from intelligent design.
Though its conclusion ends up a bit dissimilar from OP, in finding the mind, not physical embodiment, as the greatest wonder in the universe.