• i-liek-french-toast@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago

      Web programmer. Not all bad but some employers have their heads up their asses and don’t know how to run basic scheduling or planning and seems like a higher than average percent of coworkers are liberals… Can be really frustrating some times. I’ve enjoyed working at smaller places more than bigger ones but really depends on the project and the folks running it

      My dads a welder… Some days I kind of wish I had gone in for that kind of thing instead.

        • i-liek-french-toast@exploding-heads.com
          1 year ago

          I think their referring more to making small sites. I’ve sort of pidgeon holed myself into working with certain corporate bits and pieces but not really throwing together a full site by myself. And I generally work with backend java stuff instead of ui’s (haven’t played with ui’s in literally years).

          Been thinking about taking some time off and trying to retrain to see if I can switch roles in the industry. If that doesn’t work, might even look into how hard it would be to switch careers (bioinformatics maybe).

          When I first got in, I liked it but too many years in corporate America has killed a lot of the love I used to feel for coding… Or maybe it’s just that I hate working for big corps. Maybe some time at a small company again would help…