Having some experience with both Python and JS/TS, I don’t have much preference about ternaries or expressions. Although I always break lines for ternary statements.
Also works fine and is better than inlining it all. I’m just more used to ending the lines with the symbols - instead of starting the next line with them like your example - because it’s the same parttern I use for other stuff, like (curly) brackets.
Having some experience with both Python and JS/TS, I don’t have much preference about ternaries or expressions. Although I always break lines for ternary statements.
const testStuff = condition ? outcome(1) : outcome(2);
Having everything on the same line ruins readability for me.
personally I prefer
const testStuff = condition ? outcome(1) : outcome(2);
Also works fine and is better than inlining it all. I’m just more used to ending the lines with the symbols - instead of starting the next line with them like your example - because it’s the same parttern I use for other stuff, like (curly) brackets.
The if-else expression that Python has is quite different from (and significantly worse than) what people mean with if-else as an expression.
So, this is Python:
volume = 100 if user_is_deaf else 50
These are two examples of if-else as an expression (Rust and Scala):
let volume = if user_is_deaf { 100 } else { 50 };
Crucially, these look essentially equivalent to normal if-else-statements in these languages.