Congratulations Biden, on successfully privitizing the response to the pandemic!

ACTON – When Glen Cote of Acton drove to his appointment at CVS for the new COVID-19 vaccine, he was shocked to receive a text on his phone minutes before his appointment, letting him know that the vaccine would cost $190.99.

“Nightmare is the first word that comes to mind,” he explained to WBZ-TV. Cote is covered by MassHealth, the state’s program for Medicaid.

The new COVID-19 shot was approved by the FDA and CDC about a week ago, with the vaccine to be shipped to area pharmacies. Signs outside many CVS stores read “FREE FLU & COVID-19 vaccines here.”

Instead, posts on social media show that several people nationwide are getting charged for the shot, anywhere between $125 and $190.

amerikkka-clap dem

  • I would be shocked if we see even a 10% vaccination rate by the end of the year. Most people who are still getting vaccinated are only doing it because it’s free. Anyone who is relatively healthy is going roll the dice on covid hitting them like a cold instead of dropping a day’s pay or more to maybe prevent it.