• CoderKat
    1 year ago

    I feel like for software, the big barrier is getting past HR/recruiters. Once you get to talk to someone technical, it’s a lot easier. But hell if I know how the heck the non technical staff decides how to progress people.

    I’ve done tech interviews. They’re leetcode, which isn’t great, but at least it’s fair. There’s no magic words there. I just want to know if you can reasonably approach a problem (and I don’t pick anything I couldn’t get hired on), can show problem solving skills, and show an understanding of algorithms and data structures. You don’t even need to solve the problem if you can come close and your thinking out loud shows good skills. And most definitely don’t need to be an optimal solution (though it helps).

    But getting to the tech screen, I don’t even know. I’ve made internal referrals that never even get assigned to anyone, despite a glowing referral. Maybe it’s just super competitive. Maybe there’s a scarcity of low level positions (though I know many teams that are top heavy and only need low level positions). I really know nothing about what it takes to get to the tech screen level. But once you’re there, I really do think it’s a lot more reasonable (not at all perfect, but better).