Where does the time go, honestly.

I’ve not had much stitchy time the last couple of weeks but with the weather here finally turning in a more Autumnal direction I was inspired to put some time into my Steampunk World Map project.

It’s a weird one because one cog can take absolutely ages, but I’m still enjoying it and that’s what counts. I’ve rejigged some dates in my Notion project planner and apparently am going to finish this one by the end of the year so…bearing in mind I started it about 2 years ago and thought it was going to take me a week…watch this space.

What’s been keeping you occupied this week? Remember you can embed images like so:

![alt text](url.jpg)

  • thegiddystitcherOPM
    1 year ago

    Maybe you can reward yourself by backstitching some kind of horribly sarcastic title onto the book when you’re finished 😄

    Hope your vacation is everything you need it to be!