Before I joined the Fediverse, it felt like the Internet was composed of only 4-5 social media sites and a bunch of corporate news articles, with only a couple of old remnant sites that looked out of place like a historic church in a business district. All of a sudden, though, it feels like people are creating lots of new sites. I’ve been exploring the other Fediverse sites since then, and playing around with about them from other people, and it seems like the “real” web that we were told about in the 2000s is thriving again, albeit in the shadow of the big sites where 90% of people will never see it.

    1 year ago

    I am sure that part of it is how discoverability has diminished over time. It seems there are fewer ways to find interesting independent things on the web. But, I’m also sure that some of it is there’s fewer cool things to find.

    With that said, please enjoy, which is one of those cool things the likes of which I wish finding were easier.