In Home Assistant 2023.7 a feature was added to allow services to provide a response.

This release brings in a change to Home Assistant, which we consider to be one of the biggest game changers of the past years: Services can now respond with data! 🤯

It is such a fundamental change, which will allow for many new use cases and opens the gates for endless possibilities.

In this release the functionality has only been enabled for a couple of services, but I’m having trouble picturing what we can use this for now and in the future.

What are some use cases you can think of on how to use this new feature?

  • DeezOP
    1 year ago

    Thanks very much for that. Splitting logic out into a reusable script which returns a response is a great use case.

    Is the slight delay in Flux/Adapative Lighting that you refer to, due to the level being calculated after the light is turned on, rather than at the time of power on?

    Also it’s terrific to see you on the Fediverse. I’m using a few of your integrations, and I appreciate your work very much!