Takes a more serious approach to the comic’s source material and it played straight unlike the more parody elements found in the comic. Reminds me a lot of Diehard in many ways.
Dredd is both a great movie by itself and a superb superhero movie. First and foremost, a good superhero movie needs to be a good movie. I wish more folks understood that.
Watch Hellboy and remember that superhero movies can be super rad.
Hellboy is great too
Dredd is a great pick. It doesn’t quite get slept on, but certainly doesn’t get enough shine in the superhero/comic genre, and honestly the generally larger science fiction film collection. It just a rock solid movie at its base and it’s just great action comic film on top of it all.
Karl Urban did a great job. “You can’t act with a helmet on” is bullshit and Urban nailed the character.
Fuck I love Dredd. Its like the perfect mix of soundtrack, story, and acting. Another movie that I usually have to watch after it is Mad Max Fury Road. Sometimes I even follow those up with the Crank movies.
All of these movies I feel like marvel fans would enjoy.
Fury Road lives up to the hype, for sure watch it!
the feminism of it is kinda oversold but it’s far better than goofy shit like the empty nonsense in avengers endgame or that terminator movie that would’ve been transgressive in 1976 but not 2019.
Calling Dredd very underrated is an r/moviescirclejerk bit
Its a really cool raid style movie. Plus we dont get a ton of movies with this cyberpunk vibe.
Plus we dont get a ton of movies with this cyberpunk vibe.
Very cyberpunk, scenes of giant mega cities with Judges riding cyber bikes through them.
And it nails the misery and hopelessness of little people caught up in all the bullshit. The whole place gets trashed and countless people are killed over a drug that slows down your perception of time and makes things sparkly.
Worn out on slop? Does not compute
Yummy yummy yummy I love slop yummy yummy yum put it in my mouth yum I love slop
Great movie, just too bad it flopped and there’s been basically no news of the Netflix Dredd show ever since was announced years ago.
There are some nice deep cut easter eggs for 2000 AD fans too if you look closely enough.
It’s straight on the surface, but there’s a lot of very dark humor and references to the comics in there.
Alex Garland makes pretty great movies. Haven’t gotten around to watching Men yet, though.