Get Crown of Ancient Glory

toss in this letter they find early in the campaign

but first have them do this adventure in the land and setting - as they progress, they learn of all the rumors for the big adventure and eventually the Monk offers it to them.

one of the players should have connections to the country of Vestland - be a descendent of a hero of Roona or distant relative to Monk Annack of Vestland

The Wandering Trees - Dragon Magazine #57

  • change the country to fit the Crown of Ancient Glory Setting and Dridians becom a order of Monk Annack and the Forest is a test to see if they are worthy to go after the Crown of Vestland. In the treasure of the forest there is a book of lineage for the Kings of Vestland and History of the Crown.

However Duke Rhoona of Vestland is not sure they are ready and sends them on *** The party needs to bring the rebellious troops to order first

The characters need to be at least Level 8-10 for Crown of Ancient Glory so we will need at least one more adventure

Baltron’s Beacon i7 TSR is a good one to toss in here and can easily fit in. Perhaps the components are needed

You may want to steal the Lavender Hack ship rules. There are Viking Ships and a floating island fortress in this adventure. Lavender Hack is a free OSR game.

Have FUN!