Little will change at Fox News under new leadership, analysts say, as Republicans can rely on yet more outrage and division

The abrupt uncoupling of the Republican kingmaker Rupert Murdoch from his Fox News empire may have represented a ground shift in the media landscape in the US, but politically at least, very little is likely to change, analysts say.

That could be good news for those on the right of the Republican party, who can expect the network to head into the 2024 presidential election – even without its long-time figurehead – continuing to amplify the worst of the political bias and disinformation upon which it made its name.

“They’re going to continue the same business formula, which is whipping up hysteria around manufactured crises. They’ll continue to foster outrage and division, and gin up support for conservative causes. I don’t see any of that changing dramatically anytime soon,” said Victor Pickard, professor of media policy and political economy at University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg school for communication.

    1 year ago

    The fact that after all these years, after so much damage his media empire has created, various governments around the world couldn’t find something to arrest him on is beyond frustrating.

        1 year ago

        Or the more likely answer is that they have always hidden behind Free Speech laws. They have known to keep their nose clean because if they did do anything illegal, they would get the book thrown at them.

        Why do something illegal, when bamboozled idiots are freely throwing money at you?

        It’s like the old mafia cliché. These mob bosses used to work in the underground to launder money and were always afraid of getting caught by the law, but their kids got smart and simply went into big business to do it legally and out in the open.