Fucking hate it when my infusion site doesn’t take and my basal isn’t delivered for hours. Especially if the timing is around meal time, because I can’t know if I’m rising because of a bad site or because I underestimated my meal’s carbs. My only indicator is a radical angry mood swing that leaves me upset and embarrassed after my blood sugar finally comes down.

It’s been a fucking night.

#Diabetes #Type1Diabetes #T1D @diabetes

  • Nerb@techhub.social
    1 year ago

    @BrianAllred @diabetes

    Interesting how differently High and Low blood sugar affects our moods and emotions. For me a very high level acts like a sedative. I’m relaxed and other than feeling like I am walking through water or gravity is turned way up all is good. If it were not for the peeing and thirst I’d probably get the best sleep ever.

    Lows on the other hand I’m jittery and anxious and easily provoked. When the wife start asking me if my sugar is low I means it am being a bit of an asshole. Or my sugar is low ;)
