Dunno about you but I never know where to put WIP projects so a lot of them end up on this dummy. I was just walking past and realised how well the colours match in this one-sleeved jumper I’ve been knitting and the bralette I’ve been sewing!

I figured, how often do you get to crosspost the same thing between knitting and sewing communities? So here we are lol.

Knitting pattern is the Justyna Jumper by Justyna Srock, and I’ve somehow been on with it for months even though it’s a very quick knit, multicrafter problems and all that.

The sewing pattern is the Ellie Bralette from NH Patterns, it’s definitely designed for someone 20 years younger and a lot less curvy than me, but on the other hand it’s fun and it’s reversible and I’ve made this plus an almost-finished matching skirt out of a 50p bedding set so you can’t go wrong 😄

  • surrendertogravity@wayfarershaven.eu
    1 year ago

    I love the color and texture of that sweater! I haven’t had the gumption to try making a whole sweater yet but will have to add that pattern to my someday-list.

    • thegiddystitcherOPM
      1 year ago

      Thanks! It’s supposed to be a slightly looser gauge but I didn’t have big enough needles and was too impatient to order some and wait, so I’m actually working at a tighter gauge but making the next size up after calculating that should work. It does seem to be, so far!

      (of course I since bought the right size needles anyway for another project but shhh)