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The original was posted on /r/cooking by /u/lc504503 on 2023-07-11 03:29:54+00:00.

Hello! I’m hoping this is related enough to post.

I love spicy food. Unfortunately, I live in the PNW now (originally from New Orleans) and it’s really hard to get very spicy food. I’m also vegan and kinda feel like most vegan foods are even more mild. I don’t get it.

I have the best chances with Thai restaurants but often notice they don’t really trust me when I say I want “extra hot” or “Thai spicy”. My husband sometimes has to tell the servers that’s really what I want and then request his mild version. Ha.

I doubt there is a good solution for restaurants thinking I’ll return my food or otherwise don’t know what I’m asking for. My question is what to do to make the too mild curry they bring me to a much spicier level. I add chili oil and the chili flakes that they bring me when I mention I’d like it spicier but it doesn’t taste the same as when they make it very spicy to order. By the time I get the heat better, it’s bitter.

Long winded explanation but how do I make my curry spicy with what they can give me at the table? Why is there such a difference? I don’t think it’s in my head.