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  • 105 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • If you are going to be upset about other people like this, you will be in a state of constant anger.

    It’s not your responsibility to control what people do or think. My advice is to let those people be who they are, while you focus on being the best you can be.

    Keep the people you vibe with in your life, and let the others go. Meet your grandfather and just observe him. This is life showing you someone who is hateful, from the sound of it. It’s just an example of who not to be, that’s all it is. Learn from that and remain calm.

    You can do it. :)

    If you are in the right state of mind, you can even smile at horrible things he says, because it’s just about him, not anyone else. You will start to view him as someone funny, like a child that messes up because they don’t know better.

    Don’t fight people you don’t agree with. Just say what you think, and leave. No need to argue at all.

  • Is there a question to me anywhere in that long post about yourself? You think of yourself as a rational person, following advice from medical professionals and scientific research. But somehow you can’t see why someone may not trust the vaccines on a personal level?

    There are side effects from vaccines. I decided to get covid instead of risking those side effects. I had a mild cold for a few days, then it was over and never came back.

    I had coworkers who got very sick after taking the vaccine. And several of them developed very weird issues with their body. When going to a doctor, the doctor said it was covid, not the vaccine.

    So in short, I rather get infected with covid and let my body develop its own anti bodies than take the vaccine. Works very well so far.

  • I guess you are referring to my comment about not trusting vaccines? That single comment got 300 downvotes or so. :) I think it shows very clearly that there is point discussing the topic.

    Just the fact that you think it’s crazy to not vaccinate is an absolute position with no room for discussing it at all.

    So as a consequence, we don’t discuss these things on Lemmy. Most people are happy about that. :) I’m just saying there are topics we don’t discuss here. That can’t be discussed. This is true. :)