It did. It’s also on Switch and on Windows/Xbox as a Play Anywhere title on MS Store (buy once, get to play on both platforms). But from what I remember, FFIX was the one that needed the remaster treatment the least, as it plays fairly well on any emulator. FFVII and FFVIII, on the other hand, get more bearable with the built-in speed up button (which, yes, you can do on an emulator as well, but then the music gets sped up too and it gets annoying).
Find someone that blushes when you’re around the same way Amity does with Luz.
Do you want to burn Carthage with me?
I don’t know which holiday it is, but happy friday to you as well!
If there are other communities, I am not aware of them. I just think that, Lemmy being very small and Aces being a very small percentage of the population, there just aren’t enough of us to make an active community.
It’s still nice to have one, though.
EDIT: Oh, now I remember the holiday. I feel stupid lol
Thanks for sharing! I remember the teletext from my childhood, but it was already becoming obsolete. I had no idea games existed based on it. Cool find!
Yeah, Tiberius is the guy who didn’t want to be emperor, fucked off to a remote island and let his BFF Sejanus run the empire for him (and fuck things up for centuries to come). Like, he was there. He was emperor, at some point. Nobody noticed, and there are countless other emperors who had a bigger (for better or for worse) impact on the principate. Christianity was born during his reign and he almost certainly didn’t even notice. But the empire was a bit more peaceful under him, and he didn’t squander the treasury like many other emperors, so he wasn’t the worse?
I can’t say he was a good emperor, because he really wasn’t. But I also can’t bring myself to hate him, and I do have some sympathy for how his life unfolded — mostly ignored by his father, eventually chosen for succession as a last resort after everyone else had already died, forced to terminate a happy marriage for political reasons, and lost every person dear to him, including his wife, his brother and his sons. He was, at some point, one of the most powerful and influential individuals of his lifetime, but he had no control over his own life.
We’ll get peace with the Parthians aaaaany day now!
Explanation: Augustus’s reign was filled to the brim with propaganda, which seeped through every aspect of the average Roman’s life — politics, literature, coinage, imagery, and, of course, religion. The temple of Janus in Rome had its gates open in times of war and closed in times of peace and, as you can imagine, Romans being a very contentious people, they were open for most of their civilization’s history. Well, Augustus made a big deal of closing the temple’s gates in 29 BC (only the third time it was done up to that point that we know of), which I’ve seen proposed as one of the conventional beginnings of the Pax Romana/Pax Augusta (Roman Peace/Peace of Augustus). The Pax would last until the end of Marcus Aurelius’s reign.
… Wait, does that mean that Rome was at peace for 200 years? Well, yes, but actually no. It wasn’t at peace even during Augustus’s reign, who had to close the damn gates two more times—in 25 BC and 13 BC, respectively. Can it be really considered a peaceful time if you keep interrupting it with war?
Of course, Augustus wanted the Pax to last, and he recognized that, for there to be peace, the empire needed stability and continuity, so he immediately set about finding a worthy heir. What could go wrong? Well, as it turns out, pretty much everything.
At first, he had high expectations for his sister’s son, Marcellus, who died in 23 BC, and his second-in-command and son-in-law, Marcus Agrippa, who died in 12 BC; he then fixed his priorities on Agrippa’s sons, Lucius and Gaius, who died in AD 2 and 4, respectively; he briefly considered Agrippa’s third son, Agrippa Postumus, but then promptly banished him in AD 7 (he was later assassinated in unknown circumstances); luckily, Augustus also had two stepsons, Drusus and Tiberius. The former died in 9 BC, and the latter would eventually become emperor by virtue of being the only survivor of Uncle Gus’s fetch quest.
Tiberius went on to become one of the most painfully milquetoast Roman emperors of them all (but that’s a talk for another day), and he would also survive his own sons, Germanicus and Drusus, who died earlier than anticipated in AD 19 and 23, respectively. Golly, so many deaths so early in the empire’s peaceful history! Some would say that the empire was doomed from the start, but not me! Roma Invicta!
I was hoping for a new World game, but as a Digimon fan I’ve learnt not to be picky with new releases lol
She’s trying so hard to maintain a stoic appearance but her dragon is a real bitch
Not sure how familiar you are to the source material (The Owl House).
In the series, Grom is an entity that feeds on the fears and insecurities of its victims. One of the biggest ones for Amity (the pink haired gal) was to be rejected by Luz (dark haired on the left), which happens as Grom reaches out to Amity’s pocket and rips her letter (the one shown in the fourth-to-last panel). Luz sees this and reads the letter, but doesn’t know who the letter was meant for, yet.
In the last panel, she finally comes to the realization… A few years and a happy marriage later.
all the other ones I have in my folder right now require longer explanations, and I don’t feel like it.
You all right, Pug? :(
I’m still a bit baffled that the showrunners decide to give Boscha and Kikimiki so much screentime in S03E02 despite their importance being already quite low at that point in the story lol
Whops, yes, I meant instance link. I’d expect the app to let me browse and open posts from it the same way I can browse a community, instead of sending me to the browser.
How many emperors do I get to overthrow in those 20 years?
I’l take eating good and healthy food everyday over being forced to fight for a dictatorial empire tbh
You’re running out of things to add in these updates! :)
Are they? Genuine question. Some of the FF titles I’ve played in the past were technical marvels on their respective consoles. FFXIII still gives modern games a run for their money on the graphical department, despite being 15 years old at this point. Not sure how they fare up nowadays though.