AlkaliMarxist [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2022

  • No worries at all, I appreciate the effort regardless.

    I think I’m coming to realize that a lot of things, like the metronome, are just one way to learn something amongst many and the “best” way really varies person to person.

    Practice is going pretty well - had a busy weekend so not a lot of time but I’ve got the structure of The Wind down and it’s just a matter of repetition now to build speed and precision. It’s been fun. I’ll certainly be coming back to this thread a lot as time goes on for all the great resources and if I come upon some specific issues later in my learning I’ll definitely reach out.

    Thanks again for all your input.

  • Hey, sorry about late reply, didn’t have a lot of time lately and I wanted to be able to take your post in properly before responding.

    I totally get what you’re saying though, while all the advice I got is great and very appreciated I think I also needed people to just tell me to go for it and maybe make some mistakes. So that I knew I wasn’t missing some “right” way to do things.

    So thanks for typing that up, definitely taken in a positive spirit, not patronizing at all. I’ve got a bit more confidence to just get stuck in now and worry less about doing it wrong. I’ll be back if I have some more specific questions later on though.

  • I quit smoking weed, done one full week as of today, which is the longest I’ve gone without it in maybe 2 years and the longest I’ve gone without it voluntarily for about 9 years.

    Not that there’s anything wrong with smoking in the abstract, but I enjoy it too much to be responsible with it. So I’ve decided that I’m going to let it go so I can focus on things that matter more to me.

    Also I’m continuing to play guitar most days after about a month since I picked it back up. I made a thread to get some advice and was overwhelmed by the nicest, coolest hexbears with just SO much advice and support. Very cool and very inspiring. This place can be really great.

  • I’ll give those muting exercises a try.

    Do you play much with others? I’ve mostly heard the metronome advice in relation to that. So that when you go to play with others you have experience keeping tightly in time. Though playing to a backing track would probably serve a similar purpose and I think some people are innately better at keeping time as well.

    Thanks a lot for those book recommendations too, I’ll definitely seek them out. Tablature is useful, while I can read sheet music a little (learned when I was younger) translating that to the guitar neck is a challenge.