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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024

  • The Jesus Christ of the New Testament was a dark skinned communist who belabored loving and helping immigrants to his followers, whipped the greedy, and informed them they would go to hell if they didn’t stop being selfish fucks.

    If the Jesus of the new Testament both existed and returned, the “Christian” right would be first in line to kill him again so they could get back to worshipping this guy:

  • Has been since at least the 80s

    The UK has entirely fallen to our greed disease as we metastasize eastward. Germany is on board, the French are still fighting admirably as they always do when it comes to class conflict at least.

    I hang my head in shame over the greed disease we are exporting regularly.

    “YOU and your family can live larger than you ever dreamed possible, all you have to do is sell out your countrymen for capital exploitation…come on…money money…”

    -The venomous call to political and economic power from the US

    All it takes is time and weak people devoid of basic decency sitting in the right chairs at the time.

  • “According to The Atlantic, an asteroid that weighs more than 1.7 quadrillion metric tons could sterilize Earth by raising the temperature of its water above 100°C. This asteroid would be 10–1,000 times heavier than the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs and would be between 60–96 kilometers (37–60 miles) wide.”

    The Atlantic article itself is paywalled, but yes, and it’s entirely dependent on the mass of said Asteroid.

  • Whenever I dare to hope about the lofty, admirable star trek future, I remember that space is completely unforgiving and we just aren’t up to the task for anything more than a token selfie by the best dozen humans we can possibly produce with great effort and training.

    As a species, we aren’t going to spread out there. Still too primitive, and probably too self-destructive to make it out of this phase of evolution. This might be one of those great filters scientists postulate as to why there aren’t signals from innumerable civilizations out there.

    We aren’t even capable of caring for one another, let alone the EASIEST to maintain, most naturally human friendly habitat we would ever encounter in the cosmos as we evolved to fit it. No airlocks, the air/water/waste recycling was already fully automated, all we had to do was not recklessly grow/metastasize to the point we strain the absolutely massive system out of greed and glut, and stop carelessly shitting where we sleep. We all know how that’s been going since we figured out how to make dead animal poison rocket us accross town.

    Master space? Master planetary defense? We can’t even defend this world from our own habitual consumerism. We’ll be lucky if we aren’t scattered tribes living near the old hardened structures of the before times for emergency shelter from the new normal weather events in a hundred years. We’re already starting to argue over the resources it’s taking to rebuild population centers from the current new normal. We have played pretend we were since human civilization began, but we are NOT and never have been this world’s owners or masters, and we are still very much its subject.

    And Reminder, what we’re doing and have been doing in decades won’t be undone for millions of years. The Earth is a self-correcting system, and the damage we’re doing is inconsequential to its 3.8 billion year old, beautiful story of life growing out of every crevice, just not on a timescale humans can benefit from or even truly appreciate.

    Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell - Great Filter

  • Well shit, do I want to trust my safety at lethal velocities to an AI from the greedy, egomaniacal blood emerald heir, or the automaker founded by a greedy antisemite that built war machines for the Allies and the Axis?

    Decisions, decisions…

    Too bad we don’t fund public research for moonshot technologies anymore. Not worth doing if some avarice infected sociopaths can’t make a profit cutting corners and rushing their half baked, not yet safe let alone perfected tech to market.

    (not against avs, against them not being developed using public funds with open standards that the public can scrutinize, not to mention preventing the unsafe but inevitable in capitalist hands issue of offering more aggressive AV software packages than competitors, and possibly up charging for better AI even within brands, causing an unsafe, Collison causing mess. Operation of motor vehicles requires untempered cooperation, a “free marketplace of ideas” has no place in how the cars interact on a freeway.)