Angry_Autist (he/him)

IED(EDS) sufferer and spectrum surfer. You probably won’t like what I have to say.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2024


  • I absolutely DO mind the humor because I am acutely aware of how it kills activism.

    I know how dangerous it is because I saw it cripple an entire generation through apathy, sarcasm, and ‘being above it’. I saw the groundwork of today’s fascist rise it the absolute detachment and knee-jerk memery that everyone of my generation responded to literally any threat with.

    And it made us (GenX) absolutely irrelevant in politics and human rights to this fucking day.

    So, no, humor isn’t harmless, and it isn’t a good cope, but it’s great for convincing everyone to do nothing but doomscroll and meme.

    Which is exactly what the fascists want us to do.

  • Ok, enjoy sitting passively and watching and memeing as literally the greatest existential threat to human freedom slowly rises.

    What you non-Americans can do: Stop meming, clear the air, show solidarity.

    But no, just like history shows us:

    When the world has a problem, America has a problem

    When America has a problem, America has a problem.

    I’m sure we can just sort this out real quick for you so you can go back to eurovision or living in buildings more than a hundred years old. I’m sure we’ll be fine.

  • Those were mostly dead before you were born and you have likely never personally suffered at the hands of right wing violence.

    My niece had her hand broken by a rancid nazi flag waving trumpfucker for having the gall to stand up for trans rights, but I’m sure the old-timey pro-nationalist graffiti you’ve have occasionally been forced to observe was just as harmful.

    There are literal hard right militias training with military grade equipment on our own soil RIGHT NOW, and it is likely that most of the police force will join them.

    No one you know or love is at threat more than my own family right now and I will NOT sit by quiet while greasestains like you try and marginalize this.

  • I’m tired of people making light of this, I’m tired of people being passive about this, there is only one way that considering Biden stepping down literally weeks before the election, and that is everyone, not just Americans, clearing the discussion space for people who seriously desire and possess the ability to prevent trump from being elected. Yet EVERY SINGLE online space is carpet bombed with bots and human forum manipulators who are ALLOWED to exist because they hide in the memes and the jokes, being able to muddy the discussion and break morale all under the guise of ‘it’s a prank bro’ so they are immune to being called out. It’s already been well established that Lemmy mods are just as careless and agenda driven as the reddit mods we fled here to escape, so we can’t count on THEM clearing the conversation. It has to be the users, by:

    1. Not memeing for clout for a few fucking weeks for one goddamn time in human history
    2. Downvoting to oblivion everyone who does
    3. Only bringing content that forwards the goal of preventing twice impeached, convicted felon ex-president 45 out of office.

    But this will never happen, because the users have ‘the right to play’, and their discourse of subtle anti-Harris ‘humor’ will spread like cancer, just like the anti-Hillary meme machine of 2016, and every mod and their mother will fight for those shitheads rights to slide us further and further into fucking fascism.