Network Effect by Martha Wells, read by Kevin R Free.
It’s a great book, and the reading/delivery is really entertaining. I highly recommend it if you’re a fan of science fiction!
Network Effect by Martha Wells, read by Kevin R Free.
It’s a great book, and the reading/delivery is really entertaining. I highly recommend it if you’re a fan of science fiction!
Short answer: racism. Long answer, racism and colonialism.
Yes, it’s definitely a problem. Folks are working on it. Lots of great new authors out there to read if you look hard enough. Ask your local librarian or bookseller for a hand finding stuff, they are great at this sort of thing. When I was looking for stuff for my kid a local bookstore turned me on to Rick Riordan Presents. The author of the Percy Jackson series made a publishing imprint that solely focuses on underrepresented mythologies and so far everything I’ve read from it has been great.
If you want something a bit more adult, Nnedi Okorafor has some really fantastic adult and YA novels that are based around Nigerian mythologies.
There’s lots more out there, this is just what’s at the top of my brain. I’ll try to edit if I remember any other authors or series. I’ve been on more of a sci-fi kick lately so that’s what’s in my brain right now (ps go read Murderbot Diaries if you haven’t already).
Well, shoot. Here I was going to say it wasn’t such a bad one to get wrong but the world goes and proves me wrong. That’s just heinous.
It’s entirely possible her baby died due to Chernobyl-related pollution from her inhaling radioactive dust after the blast, but it sure as hell wasn’t made worse by her caring for her husband. She was probably safer inside whatever isolation unit they had him in than outside, since it was cleaner. I can forgive the nurses in 1980s Ukraine for not knowing that but a TV series written in the 2020s should really not be furthering that misunderstanding.
It’s a shame because plenty of the other radiation-related stuff in the show was fine but that one was just so off base and clearly has had extremely negative real-world consequences.
I hate to say it because so much of this show was actually really excellent and accurate but in the Chernobyl miniseries they totally did the “radiation is contagious” thing and it is just not true.
Things and people that are irradiated/hit by radiation in a situation like a reactor failure or contact with radioactive waste do not become radioactive. They can have radioactive particles on their clothing/skin or inside their body if they have ingested/inhaled radioactive material, but they are not emitting radiation themselves. Furthermore, a thin sheet of paper or cloth will stop the kind of radioactivity that would be emitted by such material, if it is on the outside of a person’s body.
Anyways the point is that the woman whose husband was dying of radiation poisoning and then she went in and spent time with him did not lose her baby because she spent time with him. That’s just not how it works.
Lots of environmental contamination-related stuff in movies is inaccurate but that one is the most recent I can think of.
Letting kids (and kids at heart) go wild with their imagination and dress up.
Meeting/seeing neighbors.
Eating candy.
I feel really sad for all the folks on lemmy having a bad/frustrating Halloween. I think it doesn’t have to be that way, but it does definitely take neighborhood-level effort. We’re really lucky to live in a big Halloween neighborhood in a walkable area. We saw all our favorite neighbors and met some new ones, and enjoyed all the creative decorations and costumes we saw while we were out.
But the best part of the night is always getting to see people light up when you recognize their costume. Every time I see a kid dressed as Batman and go “whoa there’s Batman!” or compliment a princess on their beautiful dress, you can just see them stand up straighter or strike a pose and it’s awesome to see everyone dressing up and enjoying themselves. I probably saw a dozen Marios tonight from age 2 to age 20 and every single one of them was over the moon when I complimented their costume.
Awww I’m sorry it sucks to be prepared and get no one. We’re in a big trick or treating neighborhood but on a side street and last year we only got like 5 visitors. This year we just took candy over to our neighbor on the more popular street and didn’t hand any out at our house. One street over from our house and the entire sidewalk and street was mobbed with under-10’s. I think it’s highly neighborhood- and street-dependent.
Ask your neighbors where the good trick or treating spot is. It may be far away from you and people are just driving there instead of sticking around the neighborhood. Or it’s possible if you’re in a less walkable area that people might do more “trunk or treat” instead where they coordinate and go to a parking lot to do trick or treating.
I think it’s more like sunlight energy + adhesion energy - cohesion energy, because the capillary action is also helping to lift the water but generally yes the energy is coming from a combination of the chemical forces in the water and the pressure gradient from the sunlight/heat.
Generally, yes, but in the case of trees there is also negative pressure (vacuum) exerted from transpiration when water leaves the top of the tree and “pulls” other water up behind it.
What you are describing is not osmosis, it is capillary action. Capillary action is caused by the forces between the water molecules and the molecules of the tube overcoming the force of gravity. You can read more here: https://chem.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Physical_and_Theoretical_Chemistry_Textbook_Maps/Supplemental_Modules_(Physical_and_Theoretical_Chemistry)/Physical_Properties_of_Matter/States_of_Matter/Properties_of_Liquids/Capillary_Action
Briefly, the water molecules are attracted to the molecules of the tube by adhesive force. The liquid molecules are also attracted to each other by cohesive force. The interplay of these forces causes capillary action.
However, it seems that tree sap moves by more than just capillary action. If you scroll down part way in this book they talk about it a bit: https://pressbooks.online.ucf.edu/phy2053bc/chapter/cohesion-and-adhesion-in-liquids-surface-tension-and-capillary-action/
Yeah. 😢 If anyone feels like donating, here are a few orgs that could use the cash:
South Toe VFD: https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-south-toe-fire-depts-hurricane-efforts
Mountain Community Health Partnership: https://www.mchp.care/
Yancey County Helene recovery venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/YanceyCountyGovt-HeleneRelief?catchAll=u&catchAll=YanceyCountyGovt-HeleneRelief
Western North Carolina 😭
Hoping to get back there soon and bring my tourism $$ with me when they are ready. The mountains are my happy place and make me feel like a kid again.
Also, bike riding (when I’m not in a conflict with cars) is giving me a lot of joy. Especially when there are other bikers about.
Kids love this shit as long as you keep it at the ELI5 level and stop when they are done and lose interest. My kid will throw around words like “microorganism” and “bioaccumulation” because I actually explain biology concepts when he asks. The other day he had a question about atmospheric composition and he was absorbed for about 5-10 minutes, complete with looking at molecular diagrams, and then he was done and went off to make his Lego people fight each other with flamethrowers.
If you have knowledge, share it with kids and let them see you enjoying science. They absorb more than you might think.
Yeah. ADHD mom here. Had a good cry tonight about my kid and all his challenges.
I try to keep on the happy face when he’s around but parenting a kid with severe ADHD is really hard sometimes.
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) if I can’t get it under control without meds but I agree with the other posters about trying to figure out the root cause! For me, the main causes of headaches used to be hormones from the pill until I switched to a different form of birth control (IUD). Nowadays my headaches are mostly dry eye or allergy related so I keep eye drops on hand and take allergy meds and I’m down to headaches once every week or two. Staying hydrated and taking fish oil supplements has also helped my dry eyes.
Yep I get mad about this as well. Esp since my title isn’t Mrs. it’s Dr.
We always joke they should have addressed it Dr and Mr [my first name last name] but of course the real answer is they should just call people by their actual names and titles and not guess.
None of those are what I’m thinking of, although Castle in the Attic was another favorite of mine around that time. : )
No, this isn’t it although I think it’s a similar age range/book category. The book I’m thinking of had a more goofy vibe and it was more like the toys came to life in regular life rather than going into a world with the toys.
This isn’t it, but thanks for the suggestion!
No, although I think that’s the right age range as I was also reading those books around then!
Please share the podcast name! That sounds like something I’d enjoy.