Binette [they/them]

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023

  • This is exactly how I got recommended my first alt-right pipeline video. At school we got a conference about trans people, so I looked it up on google and youtube.

    Then I found out that there were other genders and I was really happy because agender was what always how I felt about my gender

    Next video that is recommended to me is some asshole that kept repeating stuff like: “there is only 2 genders and you can’t change it cause that’s how it’s always been”.

    I still believed that one could change their gender, but I was really upset about being “lied to” about the other genders.

    Edit: I forgot to specify this was like 6 years ago, so youtube didn’t change at all from back then.

  • Same. I have a friend with ASPD and people tend to call anyone that commits attrocities “sociopaths” or “psychopaths”, even though it doesn’t take ASPD to do bad things. The thought of my friend being associated with pure evilness is pretty infuriating, but I wonder how they must feel.

    I think people use cluster B personnality disorders as a scapegoat so that they can detatch themselves from people that did bad things. They tell themselves “That person did something awful, there’s no way they wouldn’t do that unless they are a narcissit/psychopath”, ignoring that people that don’t have cluster B disorders can do the same, and further demonise those in cluster B.