Do you think deepseek is “on top”?
Do you think deepseek is “on top”?
None of the photos are loading for me…even when I visit slrpnk.net
I haven’t done that since I was 6. I made an eagle, then painted and fired it. I still have it. It looks nothing like an eagle.
Let’s see anyone update or the finished board!
I actually just repleace mine. I found that it was actually getting pretty slow at browsing the web. Websites have so much garbage code running on them these days. Funny that the new Samsung phones have the same amount of RAM and storage.
Also, the security updates thing was getting to me. I have way to much banking info exposed on my phone to keep using it out of security update window.
Mini racks are not for people using traditional rack mount devices. Mini racks are for SBCs, NUCs and other Small form factor PCs.
I for one am a fan. I will never want traditional 19" inch rack mount server devices in my home. Too much power, noise and heat.
Now…I just need to get an Nvidia DIGITs to mount on my mini rack.
My understanding is that post NEC 2023 tandem breakers will not meet code. Yes, you can still buy them and yes I could put them in without people knowing…but that’s not the way I do upgrades. You can still buy quad breakers but I don’t think those ever met code.
Thanks for the info. I likely could be fine with a 20a/240v circuit…but i don’t even have that available currently. I’ll do some more research on the tandem breakers.
I see you didn’t really read what I wrote and are just talking about running a new circuit. That is one of the 3 upgrades I need.
A panel upgrade is not a small operation and I highly doubt anyone could do it in under an hour. A panel upgrade consists of removing all breakers from the panel, disconnecting all wires, disconnecting all conduits from the panel pulling all wires out of the panel, (in my case enlarging the hole in the wall for the new panel), reinserting all wires, attaching conduit, redoing internal panel wiring, and putting breakers back in.
I’ve done plenty of basic electrical work. Electrical work is not complex, it just takes the knowledge of what is to code and if there are specialty codes for the state, county and/or city. I do not have time to study all the code and plan the upgrade.
Future proofing upgrades is very much in my interest. If I have to touch something or upgrade something…its going to be overdesigned/overbuilt because I don’t ever want to have to touch it again.
Chevy bolts do not charge as fast as others…but it’s more about having the time to go to a fast charger. Of the places i frequent for groceries, etc. None of them have charging stations. Between work and little kids, doesn’t leave alot of time for errands.
In the US we have building codes, permits, and inspections. While possible to upgrade the service to your house as a home owner it cannot be done quickly. It would be at least 2+ days with the power out if you can line up the power company and inspector properly.
I am only going to install a 32A charger. I need more service to my house to support it, 100A currently. I need a larger panel as I have no breaker space and I need the new circuit run ~150 ft away.
Please don’t burn down your neighbors house. Less than an hour sounds like you cut corners.
Also, it’s insane to say it’s useless. Do you even know what that word means?
I don’t see anyone talking about the significant cost to upgrade homes to allow for charging. I am going to buy a bolt, but I need to save an extra 6k to upgrade my panel, service and have a circuit put in. On top of that, the soonest I can get the work done is 10-12 weeks out.
New property so planting blueberries, grapes, raspberries and a couple fruit trees.
Very few things that are not data center support PCIe 6. PCIe 5 has barely made it to main stream support.
This is so crazy fast at this point. PCIe 6 is hard enough to design for.
It’s Elon. Supposedly mandated by his new boss…
More info will come out after the 20th…
House sale prices? That’s even harder because house prices includes the land that the house sits on.
What I wrote was not completely accurate. In Oregon, It’s illegal to use the state produced wildfire risk maps.
My bad.
I think that would be hard. Who decides? How big of a house. A 900 sqft house costs far less than a 3200 sqft house.
I’m sure we will end up with a hodgepodge of solutions in the end.
I hope you feel the same about cars…
Don’t know. Saw it on my feed.
There’s only a few posters and essentially no comments. So I’d imagine it’s people who work for the major multinational corp. Also, a few years ago, Intel had a cult following of gamers…