If this implies success in that field, I would choose financial investing.
Using a bit of those funds, I could go learn and become an expert in many fields and enjoy each one. If your not learnin’ you’re dyin’
If this implies success in that field, I would choose financial investing.
Using a bit of those funds, I could go learn and become an expert in many fields and enjoy each one. If your not learnin’ you’re dyin’
GrapheneOS on a Pixel 9 Pro. It’s nice to have better control over what data is leaving my device. Updates / patches from upstream AOSP are usually offered in GOS in the same timeframe it takes to hit regular Pixels.
Thank you Michael. Hopefully you’re only writing checks for 4 years.
I disagree with your premise that this is all evil corp. The fact is that demand drives housing. Someone is going to buy and build on that property. Full stop.
I am not aware of any fire proofing techniques for homes in a situation like this. References please.
As mentioned above, we’ve had nearly 100 years of fire suppression practices that kept fuel from burning. I’m not sure how else to mitigate the properties other than clearing all trees and bushes. I don’t think it would help in this situation.
I agree that climate change is a problem and a contributing fsctor.
I’ve been running Chimera for about 8 months and love it. I’m very picky about package managers, and APK is up there with xbps (Void) in performance.
Almost everything I need I can run via flatpack. There are a few apps that I miss. They have a guide for porting them but I got lost last time I tried to get everything setup.
I thought about just running a container for those apps, but got lost in that setup too :). I’m waiting for some winter westher to hit so I have an excuse to stay inside and play with it.
Yeah. So you, myself, and some others are the exception to the rule. But, you can’t look at it that way because its a ‘lowest common denominator’ problem. The least secure of us means we are all only as secure. Others need to be hand held.
It’s definitely time to raise all boats and drop SMS 2fa like a hot rock.
Yep. I walk faster than anyone I know. I’m trying to be better about letting the other walker(s) lead so I can be in on whatever conversation they’re having.
We won’t know the winner til Thurs eve or Friday. My money is on Friday.
I hope Gen Z shows up. I don’t buy into poll results.
Which is exactly why the US is looking at a sale / ban scenario. I doubt it’ll ever actually happen.
No argument on US companies not being much better. At least there’s some paperwork that gets in the way.
I suggest you read the article, specifically the section “Get flexible with your thinking.” :) A Trump win, while disturbing, has a lot of possible outcomes.
No it’s not. It’s because it, like other Chinese companies, are at risk of being browbeaten by their government into providing whatever information they have on American users to use as they wish. One can easily argue what kind of risk that actually poses, but that’s why they’re trying to ban it. Unless you have some sort of proof…
I think you elude to it, but just to clarify…VC’s and companies have been buying homes like crazy, thus reducing an already anemic inventory.
Totally agree on the opinion section. I think if they want to they can opine on their candidate of choice, but I don’t see it as a necessity.
Clearly I can’t read…
True. I guess I can’t read… Editorials are open season.
You have a point, but you need to not care about some else’s bullshit opinion. You don’t need to explain yourself. Save your dough and you’ll have money for whatever suits you down the road.
Paying cash for big items like cars isn’t always the best idea, but less debt never hurts.
I gotta be honest… I don’t think news papers should officially endorse a candidate. Report on the issues accurately and call it a day. It reduces the perception of bias.
I am very privacy oriented, and I am fine with option 3. Thanks for all you do!
Literally, from the article:
It was also not immediately known how many of the fired prosecutors intended to challenge the terminations by arguing that the department had cast aside civil service protections afforded to federal employees
That tells me federal employees have different rules and they may have a path to make things uncomfortable for a while. Whether that’s worth the effort is up to them.