• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I’m feeling a bias here towards Kamala. I’m behind her all the way, but a bias is NOT going to help the dems cause. I’m sure anyone who is fully behind Trump has turned this off by now, but I think some undecided voters will see the bias and bail on the only logical choice for President. Bias will make Trump a martyr to them.

    Trump is terrible.

  • Just … No. Of course Trump spews lies, what’s changed over the last 10 years? Nothing. And he’ll get his base to cast ballots.

    What has changed is the capacity of President Biden to hold office. It is absolutely mind boggling how tone def Dem leadership is.

    This election will be won by compelling undecideds and independent voters to cast a ballot, full stop. It’s a fallacy to think these voters will be compelled purely on policy. Perception is reality, and the perception from any sane person after watching things unfold the last two weeks is that Biden is not fit to carry on as President. Period.

    You want Trump to win? Keep Biden in the race. “Trump worse” messaging will blow up in their faces, just like it did with Hillary. We need a compelling alternative.

    Once again, Jon Stewart hits the nail on the head