Same as synchrony. You could ask the really friendly support on YNAB’s chat if they can use the alternative provider (I think it’s called MX). That tends to determine if it’s going to work I think.
I work in financial services to the CUs and I have at least two credit unions that shorten their names to DCU. What’s the first letter stand for?
UK here, ‘year of 2022’. My school which is bulldozed now to make way for a trendy ‘academy’, was pushing the America style graduation in year 11 (non UK context - the last year of high school. We usually didn’t "graduate’ at the end of the final school year, you would just get your certificates and go join the workforce at 16, or attend optional further education)
We had a prom, to which I did not go. It was all very cringey to me. Kids in my school were already throwing house parties and getting drunk. Why would they need a soft-drink fuelled school disco? A lot of my year didn’t attend. We also had that school’s first ever yearbook. Not sure if it continued.
It’s probably more ubiquitous now.