ComradeWizardmon2 [none/use name]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 day ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2024


  • shrug they’re just built different I guess? They get lucky? They come from money and know how to navigate HR shit? They don’t live in Texas?

    I just bailed my last semester of college for my BAs when the college of education rescinded my acceptance to their graduate program to be a bomb ass teacher. Had a panic attack and just walked out of class, into the student union to drop out, and I was in Georgia a couple days later. They didn’t provide a reason, and I had realized I was trans around that time and had never been smart enough to closet until 2021. It could have been any number of reasons, but ngl I always assumed that was why.

    P. S. I’ve sure as hell never actually met a queer professor, and only one or two leftish ones Could just be that they make up a large segment of what we like to read and make a collective much larger than their tiny proportional numbers.

    I mean my HS teacher started the evolution section with “I am legally required to tell you these lies but they can’t stop me from spreading the good word” I learned evolution from that colonial shit brain Dawkins in college, reading in my own time.

  • Given the arguments you say he made, I’d assume yer getting marked down because he’s an ass. As for combating it, no idea what your school is like.

    I had to make a formal, public apology for sexual harassment (I told the dude something like “you’re not gay you’ve no right”) for complaining someone wrote a homophobic story in college. That was 12 years ago and I assume things are worse now

    College is about the piece of paper, and yer not likely to win battles you fight alone. I’d just take the BS in your position but I recognize that’s bullshit advice. Fight as much as you have the courage for, but know there can indeed be bullshit consequences.

    Caveat anecdotal experience is all I’ve provided here, I don’t know your full situation and maybe I’m paranoid.

    Edit: clarification, I did not make a formal complaint. I spoke with the dude in public and got reported by anonymous witnesses as being threatening. The dude in question was very confused by the stage play apology.

  • Germans talking about genocide is like unreconstructed southerners arguing to bring back slavery because wage labor is worse for “certain kinds” (not just black but mostly black)

    “Ack, Gott im Himmel! We killed the wrong people last time and that’s how we know who it’s okay to kill this time! Alles klar?”

    Shout-out to Corner Spaetie, tangentially, good to have a weekly reminder there’s good people everywhere.

  • God I loved that poem when I didn’t know things yet.

    Still good, but tragic.

    And yes, the Obama-Biden border policies have been a historic evil, openly genocidal in a way that has not been seen there since before WWII when the US, at best, mass exposed workers to zyclon gas in a humiliating and dangerous play at “sanitizing” the workers. At worst the US literally did the gas chambers before Hitler, “delousing showers” absolutely comes from this either way. I’ve spoken with survivors who made the claim 20 years ago and frankly I believed them. Can’t prove it tho.

    The US southern border, all borders frankly but especially this one, is genocidal. That’s its purpose. The Palestinian Holocaust is in the “final solution” stage where the goal is not “in part” but “in whole”. Both are genocidal, but the holocaust is easier to understand the full evil on display, because they proudly display all the horror. The quiet genocide at the border is largely hidden unless you go see for yourself.

    Shit’s bad. Death to America

  • Well said,

    Two of the villages I grew up in literally don’t exist now. The couple towns I’ve lived in are still there but so much poorer than they were

    The mere existence of corporations that span multiple areas means the extraction of wealth from every area they enter. Essentially the Walmart effect. Build one within 100 miles of a town and watch the town bleed. Buy out the local factory, close it, bribe politicians to end the male work programs and even real services. And when the village dies the slums get new diaspora workers to exploit.